Home > A Level and IB > History > Controversy 2 - How successful was the New Deal up to the year 1941?
Controversy 2 - How successful was the New Deal up to the year 1941?
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- Created by: S_Young1997
- Created on: 08-04-16 14:47
What is the traditional view?
The New Deal was positive
1 of 50
What is the revisionist view?
The New Deal failed to bring about recovery
2 of 50
What is the post-revisionist view?
The New Deal had successes and fialures
3 of 50
What is the new left view?
The New Deal was a wasted opportunity for radical change
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What does FERA stand for?
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
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What did FERA do?
It gives £500 million to all 48 states as well as setting up soup kitchens
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What did Oregon's Governor Martin say about the needy?
The needy need to be put to death
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When did FERA close and how much did it spend?
1935 and $40 billion
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What is the EBA?
Emergency Banking Act shut all the banks for a bank holiday and evaluated which could open again
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What was the Glass-Steagall Act?
It prevented commercial banks from taking part in investment banking
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What is SEC an acronym for?
Securities and Exchange Comission
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What did the SEC do?
It made a down-payment of 50-60% mandatory for buying shares
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What does the CCC stand for?
Civilian Conservation Core
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What was the age range for men to join the CCC?
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What was special about the payment of the CCC?
They were paid $30 but $25 went back to the families
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How many tress did the CCC plant?
3 billion
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What was the thing different about the CC compared to the other Alphabet Agencies?
It prepared the boys for war
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What was an issue with the CCC?
Segregation was rife
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What does the WPA stand for?
Works Project Administartion
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What was special about WPA?
It aimed to give work to people with little/no jobs
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Examples of boondoggle jobs (a job with no importance) would be...
Scaring pigeons and writing an essay on the history of the paperclip
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Who ran the WPA?
Harry Hopkins
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What did the WPA's leader say about supporting the artists, writers and actors?
"Hell! They've got to eat just like other people"
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How many public buildings did the WPA build?
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What does the PWA stand for?
Public Works Administartion
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What was built by the PWA?
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How did PWA differ from the WPA?
It only hierd skilled workers
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What does AAA stand for?
Agrcultural Adjustment Agency
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Who didn't the AAA help?
29 of 50
When did the Supreme Court delcare unconsitutional?
30 of 50
What does the TVA stand for?
Tennessee Valley Authority
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How many people are empoyed by the TVA in 2016?
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How many southern states does the TVA go across?
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Before the Act, how many people had electricity at most?
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How many damns, which produced hydroelectirc power, were bulit under the TVA?
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By making electricity cheaper, how many houses had electricirty?
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What did easy plutoinim production mean?
They could make nuclear bombs that were later used in the Manhatten Project
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What was the main form of African-American discrimination within the TVA?
A model town for whites only
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What was the TVA labelled?
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What does the NRA stand for?
National Recovery Act
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What was displayed with busnisses who adoptred the NRA codes?
A blue egale and the quote "we do our part"
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What did the NRA establish?
The Wagner Act
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How many houses were built under the New Deal?
43 of 50
Under the Economy Act, how much were military contracts cut by?
44 of 50
How many women in proffesional jobs were there in the 1930's?
45 of 50
How many Native-Americans did the CC recruit?
46 of 50
What was the unemployment rate in 1936?
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In 1936, what had farm prices risen to?
48 of 50
In 1936, what had farm income risen to?
49 of 50
How could the Third New Deal of 1937-39 be described?
50 of 50
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the revisionist view?
The New Deal failed to bring about recovery
Card 3
What is the post-revisionist view?
Card 4
What is the new left view?
Card 5
What does FERA stand for?
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