Consuming energy resources 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyConsuming energy resourcesGCSEEdexcel Created by: ali17laddieCreated on: 25-02-18 16:39 Hydro-electric power is an example of this Renewable 1 of 10 An example of a potential offshore source of energy in the UK wave power 2 of 10 A renewable energy resource that destroys many scenic areas wind turbines 3 of 10 Nuclear power is an example of this recyclable energy 4 of 10 Oil and gas are a ___________ type of energy resource non renewable 5 of 10 The largest deposits of oil and gas are found in this region Middle East 6 of 10 Areas that lack electricity or the income to pay for it are known as _______ energy poor 7 of 10 Another name for oil black gold 8 of 10 The theoretical point at which half of the known reserves of oil in the world have been used peak oil 9 of 10 A process that involves shattering shale rock to extract oil and gas fracking 10 of 10
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