Attempts by humans to maintain biodiversity by preserving organisms and environments that are at risk as a result of human activity.
1 of 8
Endangered species
Species that are in danger of becoming extinct.
2 of 8
Threatened species
Species that are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future.
3 of 8
In Situ Conservation
Protecting the endangered plant or animal in their natural habitat.
4 of 8
Ex Situ Conservation
Protecting the endangered plant or animal outside of their natural habitat.
5 of 8
Environmental Impact Assessment - Used to decide if building projects etc are allowed by local councils dependent on whether it affects the biodiversity.
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Countries signed up to make it illegal to kill endangered species, regulate trade of wild species.
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Rio Convention on Biodiversity
International agreement about the sustainable use of plant and animal resources.
8 of 8
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Species that are in danger of becoming extinct.
Endangered species
Card 3
Species that are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future.
Card 4
Protecting the endangered plant or animal in their natural habitat.
Card 5
Protecting the endangered plant or animal outside of their natural habitat.
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