Consensus Structuralism

Structural Theorists see society as a system of parts
Analyse society as a whole system made up of different parts that mesh together. Can be conflict or consensus based. Main consensus theory functionalism - Durkheim, social solidarity
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Functionalists say society's needs met by 4 major subsystems
Instrumental (material) needs -> the political and economic subsystems. Expressive (emotional) needs -> the kinship and cultural subsystems
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Functionalism tries to explain everything
Comte, Durkheim, Parsons - macro-theory. Durkheim study of suicide (1897) - argues social structure and problems in modern world cause people to commit suicide - part of wider social picture
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Functionalism criticised for ignoring conflict and maintaining inequality
Focus on harmony and cooperation. Merton (1986) - functionalist, argues some things functional for one but not another e.g. poverty. Doesn't allow for free will (Wrong, 1961) - action theorist. Postmodernists, society too diverse for F to be relevant
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The New Right all type of consensus structuralism
Family one of most important social institutions - socialises children, reinforces traditional roles. Favour nuclear family. Believe society breaking down - decline in moral standards e.g. sexual freedom
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The New Right has been criticised by Feminists
Want women to focus on marriage and children - harmful to women's rights. Abbot and Wallace (1990) - NR theorists wrong to prioritise marriage so much as some women may feel trapped etc. Attempting to justify patriarchal society
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Card 2


Instrumental (material) needs -> the political and economic subsystems. Expressive (emotional) needs -> the kinship and cultural subsystems


Functionalists say society's needs met by 4 major subsystems

Card 3


Comte, Durkheim, Parsons - macro-theory. Durkheim study of suicide (1897) - argues social structure and problems in modern world cause people to commit suicide - part of wider social picture


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Card 4


Focus on harmony and cooperation. Merton (1986) - functionalist, argues some things functional for one but not another e.g. poverty. Doesn't allow for free will (Wrong, 1961) - action theorist. Postmodernists, society too diverse for F to be relevant


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Card 5


Family one of most important social institutions - socialises children, reinforces traditional roles. Favour nuclear family. Believe society breaking down - decline in moral standards e.g. sexual freedom


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