Conflict Structuralism

Conflict structuralists say that the different parts of society clash
Also look at society as system of parts, but believe conflict of interest between different groups in society. Marxists and Feminists are conflict structuralists
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Neo-Marxism focuses on ideology
New models of Marxism - Humanistic Marxism (Gramsci, 1971) and Structuralist Marxism (Althusser, 1970)
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Neo-Marxism - Humanistic Marxism, Gramsci (1971)
Hegemony (domination of ruling class ideology in society). Social control comes from ideas as well as economists. Consent crucial for maintaining power - coercion (police etc). People would rise up intellectually rather than economically
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Neo-Marxism - Structuralist Marxism, Althusser (1970)
ISAs and RSAs. Can't come up with new ideas about society, ability a lie created by ISAs closely controlled by state. Political and ideological important structures in society as well as economics. Capitalism overthrown if contradicted each other
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Marxism criticised for structural focus and determination
Deterministic - assumes oppression inevitable for w/c. Ethnicity and gender conflict sidelined. Increased affluence and consensual nature of many Western societies highlights lack of conflict
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Card 2


New models of Marxism - Humanistic Marxism (Gramsci, 1971) and Structuralist Marxism (Althusser, 1970)


Neo-Marxism focuses on ideology

Card 3


Hegemony (domination of ruling class ideology in society). Social control comes from ideas as well as economists. Consent crucial for maintaining power - coercion (police etc). People would rise up intellectually rather than economically


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Card 4


ISAs and RSAs. Can't come up with new ideas about society, ability a lie created by ISAs closely controlled by state. Political and ideological important structures in society as well as economics. Capitalism overthrown if contradicted each other


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Card 5


Deterministic - assumes oppression inevitable for w/c. Ethnicity and gender conflict sidelined. Increased affluence and consensual nature of many Western societies highlights lack of conflict


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