Concerto for Double String Orchestra by Tippett 0.0 / 5 ? MusicSet WorksASEdexcel Created by: Letta1999Created on: 20-05-16 14:46 The piece was composed in this year 1938 1 of 31 The piece is an example of this style Neoclassicism 2 of 31 The instrumentation of this piece Two String Orchestras 3 of 31 Intended for this skill level Accomplished 4 of 31 Used of this technique to reinforce chords in the coda Double Stopping 5 of 31 Use of this technique in bar 107 Sul Tasto 6 of 31 Type of bowing used on strong beats in bar 99 Up bows 7 of 31 Classical structure this work is based around Sonata Form 8 of 31 The tonal technique used to provide contrast Tonal Ambiguity 9 of 31 The expressions of the contrasting themes Marcato and Expressivo 10 of 31 Main texture of the piece Polyphonic 11 of 31 The use of substancial imitation from bar 221 creates this Canon 12 of 31 The number of parts used in the final tutti Six 13 of 31 The texture used betweeen the orchestras in bars 8-11 Antiphonic 14 of 31 Type of movement useed at the end of the transition Homorhythmic 15 of 31 The types of scales used in this piece Modes and pentatonic 16 of 31 The broad term used to describe the tonality In A 17 of 31 Distant tonal areas explored in the development C sharp minor and F minor 18 of 31 Types of dissonances avoided Aggressive 19 of 31 Types of second intervals used Major 20 of 31 Chords used in bar 43 in root and first inversion D major 21 of 31 The use of thsi dissonance rejects functional harmony False Relation 22 of 31 Modes explored in the melody Mixolydian and Lydian 23 of 31 The type of movement in the melody Conjunct and Disjunct 24 of 31 Type of melodic device used leading to the recapitulation Sequence 25 of 31 Type of melodic development used after bar 8 Inversion 26 of 31 Melodic technique used in bar 21 Ostinato 27 of 31 Metre piece is notated as Alla Breve 28 of 31 Rhythm created by unequal beats Additive Rhythm 29 of 31 Rhythmic device used through use of ties in opening bars Syncopation 30 of 31 The technique used to alter the rhythm between bars 95 and 106 Augmentation 31 of 31
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