Tests the algorithms in the code to make sure all parts of the algorithm function as intended. Aim is to test every possible route of execution through the program. Performed by the programmer.
1 of 5
Black Box Testing
A range of valid, invalid and borderline test data is created and the expected outputs calculated. Data is input into the system to check if the actual output matches with the expected output.
2 of 5
Alpha Testing
Done by a team of testers playing the role of the user and these tester work within the company developing the software. Software is not completed at this stage and small known bugs will be present. Program will be run on an emulator.
3 of 5
Beta Testing
A near finished version of the software is released to users outside the company (focus group/the public). They test the software and give feedback to the company for them to make final improvements.
4 of 5
Acceptance Testing
A finished, error free version of the program is presented to the end user. Aim is to show user that all requirements have been met. They'll show the features and functions working with real data.
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
A range of valid, invalid and borderline test data is created and the expected outputs calculated. Data is input into the system to check if the actual output matches with the expected output.
Black Box Testing
Card 3
Done by a team of testers playing the role of the user and these tester work within the company developing the software. Software is not completed at this stage and small known bugs will be present. Program will be run on an emulator.
Card 4
A near finished version of the software is released to users outside the company (focus group/the public). They test the software and give feedback to the company for them to make final improvements.
Card 5
A finished, error free version of the program is presented to the end user. Aim is to show user that all requirements have been met. They'll show the features and functions working with real data.
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