Computer science glossary 1 up to 389(priorities)
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- Created by: George Heard
- Created on: 29-03-19 09:37
Vectored interrupt mechanism
A method of handling interrupts be pointing to the first memory address of the instructions needed
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Two's complement
A method of working with signed binary values
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Unsigned binary
Binary that represents positive numbers only
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Vector graphics
A graphic consisting of components defined by geometric formulae and associated properties, such as line colour and style
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Picture element (pixel)
The smallest identifiable component of a bitmap image, defined by just two properties: its position in the bitmap matrix and its colour
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A prefix representing the fact 2X10 (1024) written as the symbol Ki
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a prefix representing the fact 2X20 (1048576) written as the symbol Mi
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A prefix representing the fact 2X30 written as the symbol Gi
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Lossless compression
Coding techniques that allow subsequent decoding to recreate exactly the original file
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Lossy compression
Coding techniques that cause some information to be lost so that the exact original file cannot be recovered in subsequent decoding
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A device that acts as a node on the internet
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A device that connects networks of different underlying technologies
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A device that provides services via a network
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IPv4 address
A 32-bit long, hierarchical address of a device on the internet
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Domain name system (DNS)
A hierarchical distributed database installed on domain name servers that is responsible for mapping a domain name to an IP address
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Random-access memory (RAM)
Volatile memory that can be read from or written to any number of times
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Read-Only memory (ROM)
Non-volatile memory that cannot be written to but can be read from any number of times
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Memory address
A specific location in memory where instructions or date are stored
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The process of giving a value to a variable or constant
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An item of data whose value does not change
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An item of data whose value could change while the program is being run
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The process of finding and correcting errors in programs
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The process of defining variable and constants in terms of their name and data type
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Data type
Determines what sort of data are being stored and how it will be handled by the program
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Any whole positive or negative number including zero
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A data item that identifies a particular element in a data structure - normally the front or rear
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A set of related data items stored under a single identifier. Can work on one or more dimensions
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A single value within a set or list - also called a member
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One line of a text file
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The rules of how words are used within a given language
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The principles of choosing what action to take based on certain criteria
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Placing one set of instructions within another set of instructions
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The principles of repeating processes
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Definite Iteration
A process that repeats a set number of times
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Indefinite iteration
A process that repeats until a certain condition is met
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A repeated process
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The principle of putting the correct instructions in the right order within a program
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Arithmetic operation
Common expressions such as +,-,/,*
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Reducing the number of digits used to represent a number while maintaining a value that is approximately equivalent
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The process of cutting off a number after a certain number of characters or decimal places
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Random number generation
A function that produces a completely random number
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Pseudo-Random number generator
Common in programming languages, a function that produces a random number that is not 100% random
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Relational operations
Expressions that compare two values such as equal to or greater than
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Boolean operations
Expressions that result in a TRUE or FALSE value
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AND + pic
Boolean operation that outputs true if both inputs are true
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OR + pic
Boolean operations that outputs true if either of its inputs are true
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NOT + pic
Boolean operations that inverts the result so true becomes false and false becomes true
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XOR + pic
Boolean operation that is true if either input is true but not if both inputs are true
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String handling functions
Actions that can be carried out on sequences of characters
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Character code
A binary representation of a particular letter, number or special character
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A named block of code designed to carry out a specific task
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Another term for a subroutine
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Another term for a subroutine
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Another term for a subroutine
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Local variable
A variable that is available only in specified subroutines and functions
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Global variable
A variable that is a available anywhere in the program
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A subroutine that returns a value
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Functional programming
A programming paradigm that uses functions to create programs
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Data being passed into a subroutine
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An item of data being passed to a subroutine
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Block interface
Code that describes the data being passed from one subroutine to another
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Exception handling
The process of dealing with events that cause the current subroutine to stop
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Procedural programming languages
Languages where the programmer specifies the steps that must be carried out in order to achieve a result
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Imperative programming languages
Languages based on giving the computer commands or procedures to follow
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Hierarchy chart
A diagram that shows the design of a system from the top down
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Structure chart
Similar to a hierarchy chart with the addition of showing how data are passed around the system
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Top-Down approach
When designing systems it means that you start at the top of the process and work your way down into smaller and smaller sub-processes
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a digram using standard symbols that describes a process or system
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System flowchart
A diagram using standard symbols that desribes a process or system
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A method of writing code that does not require knowledge of a particular programming language
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Naming conventions
The process of giving meaningful names to subroutines, functions, variables and other user-defined features in a program
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Dry run
The process of stepping through each line of code to see what will happen before the program is run
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Trace table
A method of recording the result of each step that takes place when dry running code
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Modular design
A method of system design that breaks a whole system down into smaller units, or modules
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The concept of putting properties, methods and data in one object
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The code or routings contained within a class
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The defining features of an object or class in terms of its data
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defines the properties and methods of a group of similar objects
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A specific instance of a class
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The concept that properties and methods in one class can be shared with a subclass
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class diagrams
A way of representing the relationship between classes
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The process of creating an object from a class
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The ability of different types of data to be manipulated with the same method
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Where a method described in the subclass takes precedence over a method with the same name in the base class
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Composition aggregation
Creating an object that contains other objects, and will cease to exist if the containing object is destroyed
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Association aggregation
Creating an object, that contains other objects, which can continue to exist even if the containing object is destroyed
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data structure
A common format for storing large volumes of related data, which is an implementation of an abstract data type
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Abstract data type
A conceptual model of how data can be stored and the operations that can be carried out on the data
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A collection of related data
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A set of related data items stored under a string identifier. Can work on one or more dimensions
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Text file
A file that contains human- readable characters
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Binary file
Stores data as sequences of 0s and 1s
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One line of a text file
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An item of data
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A data structure where the first item added is the first removed
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A data structure where the last item added is the first item removed
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Static data structure
A method of storing data where the amount of data stored (and memory used to store it) will vary as the program is being run
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dynamic data structure
A method of storing data where the amount of data stored(and memory used to store it) will vary as the program is being run
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A pool of unused memory that can be allocated to a dynamic data structure
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Stack frame
A collection of data about a subroutine cell
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Call stack
A special type of stack used to store information about active subroutines and functions within a program
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A signal sent to a device or program to the processor requesting its attention
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The process of putting one statement inside another statement
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The process of a subroutinge calling itself
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A FIFO structure where data leaves in the order it arrives
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first in first out refers to a data structure such as a queue where the first item of data entered is the fist item of data to leave
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Linear queue
A FIFO strucutre implemented as a ring where the front and read pointers can wrap aroudn from the end to the start of the array
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Priority queue
A variation of a FIFO structure where some data may leave out of sequence where it has a higher priority than other data items
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Circular queue
A FIFO data structrure implemented as a ring where the front and read pointers can wrap around from the end to the start of the array
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Graph theory
The underlying mathematical principles behind the use of graphs
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A join or relationship between two nodes - also known as an edge
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An object in a graph - also known as a node
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Weighted graph
A graph that has a data value labelled on each edge
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Undirected graph
A graph where the relationship between vertices is two-way
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Directed graph
A graph where the relationship between vertices is one-way
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The time delay that occurs when transmitting data between devices
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Adjacency list
A data structure that stores a list of nodes with their adjacent nodes
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A data structure similar to a graph, with no loops
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An object in a graph-also known as a vertex
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A join of relationship between nodes also known as an arc
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The starting node in a rooted tree structure from which all other nodes branch off
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A type of node in a tree, where there are further nodes below it
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A node in a tree that has nodes above it in the hierarchy
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A node that does not have any other nodes beneath it
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Binary tree
A tree where each node can only have up to two child nodes attatched to it
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Hash table
A data structure that stores key/value pairs based on an index calculated from an algorithim
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Key/value pair
The key and its associated data
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Hashing algorithim
Code that created a unique index from given items of key data
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A high- speed temporary area of memory
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When a hasing algorithim produces the same index for two or more different keys
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When a hashing algorithim produces indices that are not randomly distributed
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Load factor
The ratio of how many indices are available to how many there are in total
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The location where values will be stored, calculated from the key
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A technique for generating a unique index when there is a collision by adding the key/value to a list stored at the same index
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The process of running the hashing algorithm again when a collision occurs
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Dictionary (data structure)
A data structure that maps key data
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Associative array
A two-dimensional structure containing key/value pairs of data
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One of the two components of a vectore - refers to its size
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One of the two components of a vector
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Teh values within a vector
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A real value used to multiplu a vector to scale the vectore
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Dot product
Multiplying two vectors toether to produce a number
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Convex combination
A method of multiplying vectors that produces a resulting vector within the convex hull
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Vector space
A collection of elements that can be formed by adding or multiplying vectors together
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Convex hull
A spatial representation of the vector space between two vectors
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Creating code to produce a programmed solution
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A set of data items of the same type grouped together with the same identifier
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A connection between two nodes in a graph or tree structure
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A data type made up of nodes and edges
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Breadth first
A method for traversing a graph that explores nodes closest to the starting node first before progressively exploring nodes that are further away
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Depth first
A method for traversing a graph that starts at a chosen node and explores as far as possible along each branch away from the starting node before backtracking
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A data structure where the first item added is the first item removed
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Elements of a graph or tree
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Binary tree
A structure where each node can only have up to two nodes attached to it
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A method of traversing a tree by visiting the root, traversing the left subtree and traversing the right subtree
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A method of traversing a tree by traversing the left subtree, visiting the root and traversing the right subtree
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A method of traversing a tree by traversing the left subtree, traversing the right subtree and then visiting the root
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The process of reading data from a tree or graph by visiting all of the nodes
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Binary search
A technique for searching data that works by splitting datasets in held repeatedly until the search data is found
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A technique where a function can call itself in order to complete a task
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Single source
In Dijkstra's algorithm it means that the shortest path is calculated
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Shortest path
The shortest distance between two vertices based on the weighting of the edges
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Linear search
A simple search technique that looks through data one item at a time until the search term is found
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Binary search
A technique for searching data that works by splitting datasets in half repeatedly until the search data is found
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Binary tree search
A technique for searching a binary tree that traverses the tree until the search term is found
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Reverse polish Notation (RPN)
Another term for postfix notation (a mathematical notation in which operators follow their operands)
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Expressions that are written with the operators within the operands e.g. 2+3
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The mathematical process within an expression
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A methodology for evaluation mathematical expressions in a particular sequence
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Polish notation
Another way of describing prefix notation(where operators precede their operands
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Software that translates and executes programs line by line by converting programming statements either into machine code or by calling instructions to carry out the high-level language statements
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A value within an expression
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Expressions that are written with the operators before the operands e.g. + 2 3
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Expressions that are written with the operators after the operands e.g. 2 3 +
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In-order traversal
A method of extracting data from a binary tree that will result in an infix expression
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Post-order traversal
A method of extracting data from a binary tree that will result in postifx expressions
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Pre-order traversal
A method of extracting data from a binary tree that will result in prefix expressions
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Vector graphics
An image made up of objects and coordinates
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Bubble sort
A technique for putting data in order by repeatedly stepping through an array, comparing adjacent elements and swapping them if necessary until the array is in order
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repeating the same process several times in order to achieve a result
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Merge sort
A technique for putting data in order by splitting lists into single elements and then merging them back together again
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Logical reasoning
The process of using a given set of facts to determine whether new facts are true or false
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A sequence of instructions
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Representational abstractions
The process of removing unnecessary details so that only information that is required to solve the problem that remains
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Abstraction by generalisation categorisation
The concept of reducing problems by putting similar aspects of a problem into hierarchical categories
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Top-down design
related to the modular approach, this starts with the main system at the top and breaks it down into smaller and smaller units a bit like a family tree
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Functional abstraction
Breaking down a complex problem into a series of reusable functions
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Data abstractions
Hiding how data is represented so that it is easier to build a new kind of data object e.g. building a stack from an array
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Problem abstraction
removing unnecessary details in a program until the underlying problem is identified to see if this is the same as a problem that has been already solved
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Information hiding
The process of hiding all details of an object that do not contribute to its essentials characteristics
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Breaking down a large task into a series of subtasks
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Composition aggregations
Building up a while system from smaller units. The opposite of decomposition
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Finite state machine (FSM)
any device that stores its current status and whose status can change as the result of an input. Mainly used a conceptual model for designing and describing systems
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State transition diagram
A visual representation of an FSM using circles and arrows
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Accepting state
The state that identifies whether an input has been accepted
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State Transition table
A tabular representation of an FSM showing inputs, current state and the next state
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Mealy machine
A type of finite state machine with outputsq
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An algorithm that encrypts and decrypts data, also known as code
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Shift Cipher
A simple substation cipher where the letters are coded by moving a certain amount forward or backwards in the alphabetq
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Turing machine
A theoretical model of computation
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Read/write head
The theoretical device that writes or reads from the current call of a tape in a turing machine
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Halting state
Stops the turing machine
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Start state
The initial state of a turing machine
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Transition function / rule
A method of notating how a turing machine moves from one state to another and how the data on the tape changes
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State transition diagram
A visual representation of the transition function of a turing machine
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Instruction table
A method of describing a turing machine in tabular form
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Universal machine
A machine that can simulate a turing machine by reading a description of the machine along with the input of its own tape
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Regular language
Any language that can be described using regular expressions
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Regular expression
Notation that contains strings of characters that can be matched to the contents of a set
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Context - feee language
An unambiguous way of describing the syntax of a language useful where the language is complex
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Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
A form of notation for describing the syntax used by a programming language
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A collection of symbols in any order that do not repeat
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In BNF, it is the final element that requires no further rules
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Syntax diagram
A method of visualising rules written in BNF or any other context - free language
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Natural number
A positive whole number including zero
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Set building
The process of creating sets by describing them using notation rather than listing the elements
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Describes a value or element that belongs to a set
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Empty set
The set that contains no values
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Finite set
A set where the elements can be counted using natural number up to a particular number
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Infinite set
A set that is not finite
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The umber of elements in a set
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Countable set
A finite set where the elements can be counted using natural numbers
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Countably infinite sets
Where the elements can be put into a one-to-two correspondence with the set of natural numbers sets
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Cartesian product
Combining the elements of two or more sets to create a set of ordered pairs
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Where two sets are joined and all of the elements of both sets are included in the joined set
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Describes which elements are common to both sets when two sets are joined
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Describes which elements differ when two sets are joined together
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A set where the elements of one are entirely contained within the other; can include two sets that are exactly the same
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Proper subset
Where one set is wholly contained within another and the other set has addition elements
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relates each element of a set with the element of another set
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All the values that may be input to a mathematical function
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All the values that may be input to a mathematical function
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The product of all positive integers less than or equal to n e.g. 3! is 3*2*1
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Space complexity
The concept of how much space an algorithm requires
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input size
In big o notation the size of whatever you asking to work with e.g. data, parameters
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Time complexity
The concept of how much time an algorithm requires
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constant time
In big 0 notation where the time taken to run an algorithm does not vary the input size
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Linear time
In big 0 notation where the time taken to run and algorithm increases in direct proportion with the input size
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Exponential time
In big 0 notation where the time taken to run an algorithm increases as an exponential function of the number of inputs. E.g. for each additional input the time taken might double
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Logarithmic time
In big 0 notation where the time taken to run and algorithm increased or decreased in line with a logarithm
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Polynomial time
In big 0 notation where the time taken to run the algorithm is a polynomial function of the input size
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Tractable problem
A problem that can be solved in an acceptable amount of time
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Intractable problem
A problem that cannot be solved within an acceptable time frame
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With algorithms it is a method for producing a 'rule of thumb' to produce an acceptable solution to intractable problems
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Unsolvable problem
A problem that it has been proved cannot be solved on a computer
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Halting problem
An example of an unsolvable problem where it is impossible to write aprogram that can work out whether another problem will halt given a particular input
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Natural number
A positive whole number including zero
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rational number
Any number that can be expressed as a fraction or ratio of integers
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Irrational number
A number that cannot be represented as a fraction or ratio as the deciaml form will contain infinite repeating values
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Real number
Any positive or negative number with or without a fractional part
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Ordinal number
A number used to identify position relative to other numbers
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Cardinal numbers
A number that identifies the size of something
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Well-ordered set
A group of related numbers with a defined order
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A data structure where data items are grouped together under a single identifier and are then accessed based on their position
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Number base
The number of digits available within a particular number system e.g. base 10 for a decimal base 2 for binary
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A single binary digit from a binary number- either a zero or a one
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The grouping together of bits or bytes to form larger . blocks of measurement e.g. MB, GB
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Unsigned binary
Binary that represents positive number only
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Fixed point
Where the decimal/binary point is fixed within a number
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Floating point
Where the decimal/binary point can move within a number
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signed binary
Binary with a positive or negative sign
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When a number is too large to be represented with the number of bits allocated
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When a number is too small to be represented with the number of bits allocated
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A process for adjusting numbers onto a common scale
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How accurate a number is
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The significant digits that make up a number
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Exponential time
The "power of" part of a number indicating how far a binary point should be shifted left or right
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Character code
A binary representation of a particular letter, number or special character
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A standard binary coding system for characters and numbers
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A standard binary coding system that has superseded ASC!!
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Parity bit
A method of checking binary codes by counting the number of 0s and 1s in the code
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Majority voting
A method of checking for errors by producing the same data several times and checking it is the same each time
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Check digit
A digit added to the end of binary data to check the data is accurate
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Bit-mapped graphic
An image made up of individual pixels
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An individual picture element
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Width x height or pixels per inch
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Colour depth
The number of bits or bytes allocated to represent the colour of a pixel in a bit-mapped graphic
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Vector graphic
An image made up of objects and coordinates
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The process of reducing the number of bits required to represent data
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Run-length coding
A method of compressing by eliminating repeated data
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Dictionary-based encoding
a method of compressing text files
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the process of turning plaintext into scrambled ciphertext, which can only be understood if it is decrypted
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The process of deciphering encrypted data or mesages
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Data in human-readable form
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Cipher text
encrypted data
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Caesar cipher
A substitution cipher where one character of plaintext is substituted for another which becomes the ciphertext
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Vernam cipher
A method of encryption that uses a one-time pad(key) to create cipher text that is mathematically impossible to decrypt without the key
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Transposition cipher
A method of encryption where the characters are rearranged to form an anagram
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In cryptography it is the data that is used to encrypt and decrypt the data
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Substitution cipher
A method of encryption where one character is substituted for another to create cipher text
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Using more than one alphabet
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Frequency analysis
In cryptography it is the study of how often different letters or phrases are used
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Railfence cipher
A type of transposition cipher that encodes the message by splitting it over rows
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Route cipher
A type of transposition cipher that encodes the message by placing it into a grid
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One-time pad
A key that is only used once to encrypt and decrypt a message and is then discarded
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Baudot code
A five-digit character code that predates ASCII and unicode
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Computational security
A concept of how secure data encryption is
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Computational hardness
The degree of difficulty in cracking a cipher
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A generic term for the physical parts of the computer ,both internal and external
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A generic term for any program that can be run on a program
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Application software
Programs that perform specific tasks that would need doing even if computers didn't exist e.g. editing text, carrying our calculations
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Utility programs
Programs that perform specific common task related to running the computer e.g. zipping files
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Library programs
Code, data and resources that can be called by other programs
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Software that converts programming language instructions into 0s and 1s (machine code) There are three types - compilers, assemblers
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A program that translates a high-level language into machine code by translating all of the code
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A program that translates a program written in assembly language into machine code
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A program for translating a high-level language by reading each statement in the source code and immediately performing the action
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Operating system software
A suite of programs designed to control the operations of the computer
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Virtual machine
The concept that all of the complexities of using a computer are hidden from the user and other software by the operating system
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Resource management
How an operating system manages hardware and software to optimise the performance of the computer
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A device that carries out computation on data by following instructions, in order to produce an output
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A technique to ensure that different users or different programs are able to work on the same computer system at the same time
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Memory management
How the operating system uses RAM to optimise the performance of the omputer
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File management
How an operating system stores and retrieves files
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Machine code
The lowest level of code mad up of 0s and 1s
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Assembly language
A way of programming that involves writing mnemonics
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Short codes that are used as instructions when programming e.g. LDR , ADD
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Source code
Programming code that has not been compiled into an executable file
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A program that translates a program written in assembly language into machine code
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Object code
Compiled code that can be run as an executable on any computer
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Low-level language
Machine code and assembly language
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High-level language
A programming language that allows programs to be written using english key words and that is platform independant
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Imperative language
A language based on giving the computer command or procedures to follow
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Object-oriented language
A programming paradigm that encapsulates instructions and data together into objects
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Declarative languages
Languages that declare of specify what properties a result should have e.g. results will be based on functions
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Functional language
A programming paradigm that uses mathematical functions
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The general name for any program that translates code from one language to another e.e.g translating source code into machine code
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A program for translating a high-level language by reading each statement in the source code and immediately performing the action
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A program that translates a high-level language into machine code by translating all of the code
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An instruction set used for programming that can be executed on any computer using a virtual machine
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Truth table
A method of representing/ calculating the result of every possible combination or inputs in a boolean expression
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AND gate
result is true if both inputs are true
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Boolean operation that outputs true if either of its inputs are true
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Boolean operation that inverts the result so true becomes false and false becomes true
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Boolean operation that outputs true if any of the inputs are false
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NAND gate
Result is true if any of the inputs are false
337 of 389
Boolean operation that outputs true if all of its inputs are false
338 of 389
NOR gate
Result is true if both inputs are false
339 of 389
Boolean operation that is true if either input is true but not if both inputs are true
340 of 389
De Morgan's law
A process for simplifying boolean expressions
341 of 389
Logic gate
An electronic component used to perform boolean algorithms
342 of 389
Boolean expressions
An equation made up of boolean operations
343 of 389
AND gate
Result is true if both inputs are true
344 of 389
OR gate
Result is true if either input is true
345 of 389
Not gate
Inverts the result so true becomes false and false becomes true
346 of 389
NAND gate
Result is true if any of the inputs are false
347 of 389
XOR gate
Result is true if either input is true but not if both inputs are true
348 of 389
NOR gate
Result is true if both inputs are false
349 of 389
Logic circuit
A combination of logic gates
350 of 389
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
Part of the processor that processes and manipulates data
351 of 389
Half adder
A circuit that performs addition using inputs from A and B only
352 of 389
Full adder
A circuit that performs addition using inputs from A and B plus a carry bit
353 of 389
Carry bit
Used to store a 0 or 1 depending on the result of binary addition
354 of 389
A memory unit that can store one bit
355 of 389
Edge-triggered D-type Flip-flop
A memory unit that changes state with each pulse of the clock
356 of 389
A device that generates a signal used to synchronise the components of a computer
357 of 389
A device that carries out computation on data by following instructions, in order to produce an output
358 of 389
Main memory
stores data and instructions that will be used by the processor
359 of 389
Fetch-execute cycle
The continuous process carried out by the processor when running programs
360 of 389
An electronic component contained within a thin slice of silicon
361 of 389
Microscopic parallel wires that transmit data between internal components
362 of 389
Data bus
Transfers data between the processor and memory
363 of 389
Input/Output (I/O) controller
Controls the flow of information between the process and the input and output devices
364 of 389
word length
The number of bits that can be addressed, transferred or manipulated as one unit
365 of 389
Address bus
Used to specify a physical address in memory so that the data bus can access it
366 of 389
Addressable memory
The concept that data and instructions are stored in memory using discrete addresses
367 of 389
Control bus
Controls the flow of data between the processor and other parts of the computer
368 of 389
Von neumann architecture
A technique for building a processor where data and instructions are stored in the same memory and accessed via buses
369 of 389
Harvard architecture
A technique for building a processor that uses separate buses and memory for data and instructions
370 of 389
Stored program concept
The idea that instructions and data stored together in memory
371 of 389
Fetch-execute cycle
The continuous process carried out by the processor when running programs
372 of 389
Control unit
Part of the processor that manages the execution of instructions
373 of 389
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
part of the processor that processes and manipulates data
374 of 389
A device that generates a signal used to synchronise components of a computer
375 of 389
A small section of temporary storage that is part of the processor. Stores data or control instruction during the fetch-decode-execute cycle
376 of 389
Status register
Keeps track of the various functions of the computer such as if the result of the last calculation was positive or negative
377 of 389
Interrupt register
Stores details of incoming interrupts
378 of 389
Current instruction register(SIR)
register that stores the instructions that the CPU is currently decoding/executing
379 of 389
Program counter(PC)
Register that stores the address of the next instruction
380 of 389
Stored program concept
The idea that instructions and data are stored together in menory
381 of 389
Status register
keeps track of the various functions of the computer such as if the result of the last calculation was positive or negative
382 of 389
Memory Buffer register (MBR)
register that holds data that is either written to or copied from the CPU
383 of 389
Memory data register (MDR)
another name for the MBR
384 of 389
Bus width
The number of bits that can e sent down a bus in one go
385 of 389
Word length
The number of bits that can be addressed, transferred or manipulated as one unit
386 of 389
A chip with more than one processor
387 of 389
interrupt service routine
Calls the routine required to handle an interrupt
388 of 389
A method for assigning importance to interrupts in order to process them in the right order
389 of 389
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Two's complement
A method of working with signed binary values
Card 3
Unsigned binary
Card 4
Vector graphics
Card 5
Picture element (pixel)
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