Computer Science

What is an Algorithm?
a procedure or formula for solving a problem
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Why do we use hexadecimal instead of binary?
its faster for a cpu to process
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is the method of testing a product it’s a process such as Unit testing, Structural testing, Functional testing
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Testing tools
are programs or features in programs which helps a tester find faults.
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Alpha testing
Developer tests their own code
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Beta testing
real people test it
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structural (white box) testing
testing the code, does the program work?
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Functional (black box) testing
tests the inputs and outputs, based on the users needs, tests how it works
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unit testing
testing per unit - testing each piece of code in isolation
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integration testing
tests things/units linking together
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order of testing
unit - integration - system - acceptance
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traced tables
go through the code to discover where the code/program is changing
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step through
run one line of code at a time, press a button to move on to the next line, the line being tested is highlighted
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break point
This allows the tester to select a line or lines which are highlighted. When they run the code the program will pause when it reached this line and allow the user to either step through line by line or continue running the program.
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testing tools
syntax colouring, code completion
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watch/ variable table
allows you to select a variable, it will send an alert each time that variable changes
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why do computers use binary
computers use millions of circuits and switches which can either be on or off
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integrated testing
done by writing more code to test other code
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advantages of integrated testing
When a change to the program has been made it is easy to press run and all tests are run through-out the whole program Sometimes changing one part of the code can impact other parts of code without you realizing. Automated testing runs tests quickly
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disadvantages of integrated testing
Writing test as code takes a LONG time and needs to be planed into the project.
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what is sql
a language designed to work with databases
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querys are written to
select, update or delete data
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a logical stor of data for a single entity. it must have a primary key which is unique
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a column in a ttable. it holds a single piece of data for each record in the table
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a record is one row in a table
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primary key
each record in a table requires a unique identifier
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foreigh key
the primary key f a different table
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a line of code written in sql to retrieve data from the database this can also be used to change or delete data
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advantages of bus network
cheap & easy to install
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disadvantages of bus network
if theres a problem with the cable the entire network shuts down & a busy network will have many data collisions
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advantages of ring network
Data goes in one way so there are no data collisions & its very fast
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disadvantages of ring network
if one is switched off the entire network goes down, the same if one is damages or wires are damaged
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advantages of star network
reliable because if one fails it does not affect the others & there are few data collisions & good security
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disadvantages of star network
lots of wires & its expensive to set up
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


its faster for a cpu to process


Why do we use hexadecimal instead of binary?

Card 3


is the method of testing a product it’s a process such as Unit testing, Structural testing, Functional testing


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


are programs or features in programs which helps a tester find faults.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Developer tests their own code


Preview of the back of card 5
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Question 2 is incorrect. The CPU cannot read hex let alone "process" it. It can only understand binary. Hexadecimal is only for the user as a way to display binary in a smaller and more easy to read way. The CPU is never given hex, therefore it has no effect on processing speed. Seeing as this is 3 years old, I doubt you'll see it but it would be funny if your account is still tied to your email xD



There are a number of explanations in here which are not quite right.

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