Component 2 Socio-Cultural influenes 0.0 / 5 ? Physical Education3.1,3.2,.3.3GCSEEdexcel Created by: HULKSMASHCreated on: 13-02-18 12:30 Perceived What someone thinks or feels to be the case. 1 of 8 Commercialisation Making somet using available on the market; using something to make a profit 2 of 8 Media The main means of mass communication. 3 of 8 Deviance behaviour that falls outside the norms or what is thought to be acceptable; goes against the moral values or laws of the sport. 4 of 8 Negative deviance Deviance that has a detrimental effect. 5 of 8 Positive Deviance Deviance were there is no intention to cause harm or break the rules 6 of 8 Sportsmanship Qualities of fairness, following the rules, being gracious in defeat or victory. 7 of 8 Gamesmanship Bending the rules/laws of a sport without actually breaking them. 8 of 8
Socio cultural factors that influenced the characteristics of mob football 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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