Community Cohesion 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristian & other religionGCSEAQA Created by: geography unit 1Created on: 11-05-14 23:34 equality everyone has equal rights regardless of gender 1 of 17 sexism discriminating because of their gender 2 of 17 multi-ethnic society different races & cultures living together in 1 society 3 of 17 racism belief that some races are superior to others 4 of 17 racial harmony different races/colours living together in 1 society 5 of 17 multi-faith society different religions living together in 1 society 6 of 17 interfaith marriage husband & wife are from different from religions 7 of 17 WOMEN (3 christians) 1. catholic, equal rights & roles in society between men & women 2. men & women created on same day 3. traditional, different roles so can't be equal 8 of 17 MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETY (benefits of racial harmony) 1. UK wide variety of music,culture 2. good religions to see members 3. make more peaceful world 9 of 17 MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETY (problems of discrimination & racism) 1. prejudiced police stop black people more often 2. prejudiced employee not giving jobs to certain religious groups 10 of 17 MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETY ( effects of discrimination & racism) 1. treated unfairly groups work against society 2. people turn to crime as feel they won't get a good job 11 of 17 COMMUNITY COHESION (3 reasons Muslims racial harmony) 1. all humans are made by god 2. muhammads first prayer caller was a black african 3. muhammad said all muslims were brothers with each other 12 of 17 COMMUNITY COHESION (Benefits multi-faith) 1. people become more understanding 2. more religious tolerance which limit conflict 13 of 17 COMMUNITY COHESION (Issues multi-faith) 1. conversion, religions conflict with another 2. bringing up children, uk children may go against parents 14 of 17 COMMUNITY COHESION (UK promote) 1. work with other religions see what have in common 2. religions developed inter-faith 15 of 17 MEDIA - VICAR DIBLEY (fair) 1. presents for and against 2. shows Christians in positive light 16 of 17 MEDIA - VICAR DIBLEY (unfair) 1. against female vicar 2. at time female vicars was a tropical debate 17 of 17
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