Cold War - Stalin vs Truman quiz to help differentiate between Stalin and Truman 1.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? HistoryThe Cold WarGCSEAll boards Created by: Emmiex0xCreated on: 04-05-12 10:00 There were significant differences between Russia and America in politics, lifestyle and... aims 1 of 10 While America was the richest country in the world, Russia was the... biggest 2 of 10 While America was a democracy, Russia was a... dictatorship 3 of 10 While America believed in freedom of speech, Russia believed in... state control 4 of 10 While America was capitalist, Russia was... communist 5 of 10 While America was led by Truman, who hated communists, Russia's leader was... Stalin 6 of 10 While America had the atomic bomb, Russia had... ...the biggest conventional army in the world. 7 of 10 While America wanted to reconstruct Germany, Russia wanted... reparations 8 of 10 Where America feared the growth of Russian power, Russia wanted to create... ...a buffer zone of friendly states around Russia. 9 of 10 The war between America and Russia after 1945 was called the Cold War because... ...actual direct fighting never broke out. 10 of 10
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