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- Created by: Madisonxo
- Created on: 26-02-19 22:44
Oct 1944
Percentages Agreement: Romania - USSR 90%, Greece - GB 90%, Hungary 50/50
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Feb 1945
Yalta Conference
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Yalta: Roosevelt + Churchill
Collective security (UN), long-term cooperation w/USSR, Germany reconstruction, world economic reconstruction (IMF + World Bank)
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Yalta: Stalin
USSR in control of its own destiny, cooperation w/Anglo-Americans, sphere of influence, Germany to remain weak, economic reconstruction of USSR
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Yalta: Agreements
Germany = divided into 4, Berlin divided into 4, Declaration of Liberated Europe created
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May 1945
Germany = surrendered, end of ww2. Roosevelt: world should reflect USA's concept of democracy, Churchill suspicious of USSR, USSR wanted Germany to be comm.
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July 1945
Successful US atom bomb
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July-Aug 1945
Potsdam conference. Truman + Attlee = suspicious of USSR, nuclear monopoly = USA. Korean peninsula = taken from Japanese divided 38th parallel.
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Potsdam: Agreements
Germany = demilitarised + disarmed, de-nazification, freedom of speech + press restored, USSR = reparations received.
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Aug 1945
Nagasaki + Hiroshima
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Sept 1945
Japanese = unconditional surrender to US. 1947: Reverse course (economic reconstruction, prevented trade w/China in 1950)
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Kennan's Long Telegram
22nd Feb 1946: emphasised USSR as hostile and a threat to USA and free world, called for CONTAINMENT
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Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
Delivered in US uni, convinced Stalin that US + GB was anti USSR. In response, Stalin said USSR was seeking European allies for security, USA accused of being imperialist. Decl of Lib Eur abandoned. (YALTA)
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May 1946
General Clay, no more reparations to USSR were to be paid until agreement over Germany long term economy was agreed.
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June 1946
Communist-led Democrats win election in Poland, comm. weakened the pre-existing LW parties by strengthening links w/Polish socialists
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Oct 1946
Comm's win 75% of vote in Bulgaria. Manipulated elections + opponents taken out.
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Nov 1946
Comm's win 80% of vote in Romania. Communists were popular as an alternative to pre-war regime, Red Army occupied Romania already.
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Jan 1947
Bizonia created (GB+US zones)
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March 1947
Greek Civil War: Truman Doctrine - GB unable to provide aid to Greek anti-comms so responsibility fell to USA. USA: Global economic power.
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Marshall Plan
5th June 1947: Reinforced Truman Doctrine, Clayton argued that w/o financial aid from USA, Europe would fall. Condition: Had to import goods from USA. USSR viewed this as Dollar imperialism
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July 1947
Paris Peace Conf: USSR walks out
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Sept 1947
Cominform created: thought USA was anti-Soviet and was expansionist. Cominform was created to unite and coordinate comm actions through Moscow.
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June 1948
Berlin Blockade begins a day after new Deutsch Mark introduced to Bizonia. Berlin airlift.
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June 1948 - Y
Yugoslavia excluded from Cominform because Tito was not totally under Stalin control, Yugoslavia only able to survive due to US economic aid
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June 1948 - C
Czech Comm party leader = willing to accept US economic aid. Pres Benev resigned leaving comm in complete control. 1948: pro comm regimes in: Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia
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Aug 1948
Republic of Korea: Syngman Rhee = US anti-comm leader. Wanted reunification of Korea
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Sept 1948
Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Kim Il Sung = USSR comm leader, wanted to force reunification. Pressurised USSR+China: rapid victory, comm already in S, US would have no time to intervene
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March 1949
Il Sung -> Stalin for support, Stalin rejected him.
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April 1949
NATO formed: Reassured W. Eur states against Soviet military aggression. An attack against one is an attck against all. USSR: NATO = aggresssive
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May 1949
Berlin Blockade ended. Containment = success.
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May 1949
Federal Republic of Germany created (W. Germany) -> 1st elected leader = Konrad Audenaur
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June 1949
Chinese Communist Party: allegiance to USSR. USSR committed to nationalist forces in Taiwan.
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Aug 1949
USSR - atomic bomb
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Sept 1949
NSC-68: Truman - end of nuclear monopoly + loss of China = stressed urgency of building USA's economic, political + military power.
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Oct 1949
Comm victory Chinese Civil war
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Oct 1949
German Democratic Republic created (E. Germany) GDR
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Nov 1949
FRG joins council of Europe
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Jan 1950: affair
Alger Hiss: member of Roosevelt's gov: accused of being comm, Acheson offered support (heightened belief that comm infiltrated US gov)
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Jan 1950
Defensive Perimeter Strategy: Acheson argued that the military defence of Japan was the responsibility of the USA. Omitted Korea from defensive cordon.
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Feb 1950
Stalin agreed military support to NK, was willing bc wanted united Korea, didn't want Sung to turn to China + USSR had nuclear tech.
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Feb 1950
China = military alliance w/ USSR, Truman ordered 7th fleet to defend Taiwan positioning itself between Taiwan and China.
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June 1950
NK invades SK. USA nervous of domino effect in SE Asia. UN demanded withdrawal of NK forces (USA legitimised intervention as UN intervention)
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First phase of Korean War
June-Sept 1950: DPRK -> SK and almost reached Pusan (almost)
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Second Phase of Korean war
Sept-Nov 1950: MacArthur launched counter, NK forces pushed back over parallel
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Nov 1950
China joins NK against SK -> GLOBALISATION
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Jan 1951
Chinese forces capture Seoul
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Fourth phase of Korean war?
June 1951-July 1953: No signif military offensives, status quo
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Sept 1951
San Fran Peace Treaty: Allies + Japan (USSR + China refused to sign): recognised full sovereignty of Japan, Japan renounced territory claims, USA had access to their military bases and could veto offers of bases to others.
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Jan 1953
Eisenhower pres
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March 1953
Stalin dead - peaceful coexistence?
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July 1953
Korean war armistice, status quo
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New Look Policy?
Oct 1953: Eisenhower - Rollback: Dulles = rollback comm, Massive retal: Emphasis on nuclear weapons, Brinkmanship: Force agreements by pushing to edge of war
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1954: House of Un American activities, Reds infiltrated army, reducators
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July 1954
Geneva conference: Vietnam divided along 17th parallel, free elections in 2 yrs
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Sept 1954: Defensive alliance, members had few common borders, goegraphically widespread
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May 1955
FRG joins NATO
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Warsaw Pact
May 1955: USSR consolidating power - Hungary, Czechoslovakia, USSR, Romania,Bulgaria, Albania, GDR and Poland
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Austrian State Treaty
May 1955: Summit diplomacy, Asutria = neutral state, all powers withdrew
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July 1955
Geneva Summit: KV wanted less confrontation w/West for Soviet security, Eisenhower: Open skies, KV rejected it, Eisenhower: Unified Germany, KV rejected it unless it was demilitarised (as it meant Germany would join NATO). SUMMIT DIPLOMACY
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Khrushchev's Secret Speech
Feb 1956: de-Stalinisation
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Polish Rising
June-Oct 1956: reaction, Poles wanted political freedom+free speech. Gomulka threatened w/Soviet intervention but force was not used because Beijing supported the Poles.
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Polish Rising: Impacts
Gomulka=supported as it preserved comm without conforming to Moscow, showed China was growing as a comm power and showed Moscow would allow a degree of independence.
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Hungarian Rising
Oct-Nov 1956: Students demanded Nagy as PM, withdrawal of troops from Hungary. Initially Nagy convinced Soviets to withdraw troops + not use force, but decision reversed when Nagy said withdrew from Warsaw Pact and new comm gov was installed.
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Hungarian Rising: Impacts
Lack of W intervention showed they accepted EE status quo, peaceful coexistence = compromised, comm. had a firm grip on EE.
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May 1957
USSR develops first ICBM
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Oct 1957
Sputnik, USSR first victory in space race. USA believed USSR had new technology which could launch attacks from space.
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Gaither Report
Nov 1957: USSR > USA in terms of nuclear weapons. Arms race (USA scared)
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Dec 1957: US rocket crashes at takeoff (failure - space race)
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1958: Germany
Berlin Crisis: rejection of Soviet ultimatum.
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NATO established Eisenhower
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Jan 1959
Castro overthrows Batista
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Camp David
Sept 1959: KV first Soviet leader to visit US. PEACEFUL CO: agreed to solve things through summit diplomacy
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Feb 1960
Politburo offered aid to Cuba while US companies refused to refine oil shipped in from USSR, so Castro nationalised them and US imposed sanctions.
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U2 spy plane incident
May 1960: U2 flights confirmed KV was exaggerating Soviet nuclear capability and missile gap was inUS favour
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Paris Summit
May 1960: KV - peaceful co, collapsed due to U2 incident
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Nov 1960
JFK pres
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Bay of Pigs
April 1961: JFK supported invasion of Cuba to remove Castro, absolute failure.
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Berlin wall created
Aug 1961: to stop flow of migrants out of GDR
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May 1962
KV -> missiles in Cuba
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Oct 1962
U2 planes discover Soviet missiles in Cuba. Naval blockade ensued.
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Cuban Missile Crisis
16-28 Oct 1962: Kennans long telegram, if US made a non-invasion pledge USSR would remove missiles, 2nd telegram: remove Turkey missiles. 29th: KV removes missiles.
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Moscow Test Ban Treaty
Aug 1963 - GB, USSR, USA: banned above ground, underwater and space tests but not underground. France and China did not sign. First limitation agreement.
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Nov 1963
LBJ pres
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KV resigns, Brezhnev in power
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Gulf of Tonkin
Aug 1964: LBJ given power by Congress to do whatever he wanted in Vietnam after naval vessel attack byN vietnam.
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Oct 1964
China = atom bomb
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Brezhnev Doctrine
1968: Responsibility of communist states to intervene to protect whole comm community, defined what deviation from comm would lead to.
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Tet Offensive
Jan-Feb 1968: Vietcong launched attacks US, military defeat for Vietcong (25,000 killed). US - perceived as failure.
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Prague Spring
May-Aug 1968: dubcek made PM (advocate for political reform, not what USSR wanted), eliminated press censorship, free speech. To be allowed to do this, he stated Czechoslovakia would remain in Warsaw Pact
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Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
July 1968: France+US+USSR: would not give other state nukes, no other states allowed nuclear weapons.
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Aug 1968
Warsaw Pact tanks invade Czechoslovakia: Dubcek was continuing to be liberal so Warsaw troops invaded. Sovereignty and integrity of Czechoslovakia violated.
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Nov 1968
Nixon pres, promoted detente
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March 1969
Military offensive launched by Nixon in Cambodia
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March 1970
Cambodias head of state overthrown by pro-US General Lon Nol, Nixon feared Khmer Rouge (policy of vietnamisation)
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Operation Lam Son
Feb 1971: Support ARVN invasion of Laos w/US air support to disrupt Ho Chi Minh supply trail.
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May 1972: Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty - Limited ABM's for USA and USSR (no need to develop anti-ABM tech) but didn't limit MIRV tech.
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The Moscow Summit
May 1972: peaceful coexistence
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Dec 1972
Basic Treaty: two Germanies recoginised each other (Hallstein doctrine = dead)
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Dec 1972: Nixon
Bombing of Hanoi, caused condemnation of US actions
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Congress repealed Gulf of Tonkin resolution
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Paris Peace Agreement
Jan 1973: Vietnam - ceasefire, US troops to withdraw, free elections
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MPLA: Marxist. UNITA: Maoist. FNLA: pro-US
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Aug 1974
Ford pres
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1975: Cambodia
Khmer Rouge victory, US forces evacuated. Comm victory.
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April 1975
Saigon fell, Vietnam reunified, war of attrition successful. US defeated. Peace with honour failed.
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June 1975: Angola
FNLA funded by US as well as China to undermine MPLA which was receiving aid from USSR
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Nov 1975
Cuban forces protected Luanda against SA forces of FNLA which lead to MPLA proclaiming created of People's Republic of Angola
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Nov 1976
Carter pres
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Vienna Summit
June 1979: SALT 2
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June 1979
Sandinista (FSLN) comm victory in Nicaragua
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Dec 1979
Soviets invade Afghan
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Carter Doctrine
Asked senate to postpone SALT 2 because of invasion of Afghan. USSR saw this as US using Afghan as opportunity to dismantle detent and start arms race again.
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Poland solidarity
July-Aug 1980: Poland strikes, economic crisis, Polish gov accepted trade union (solidarity) w/ Welesa as leader.
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Nov 1980
Reagan pres
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March 1981
Contras founded by US in Nicaragua
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Dec 1981
Martial law imposed, solidarity banned
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Nov 1982
Brezhnev died, Androprov successor
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March 1983
Reagan: SDI (star wars) supported by Thatcher
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Sept 1983
KAL 007 shot down by Soviets (SK civilian plane)
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Oct 1983
US invades Grenada (fears of communism being established, but no evidence of this) USSR: USA being imperialist
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Feb 1945
Yalta Conference
Card 3
Yalta: Roosevelt + Churchill

Card 4
Yalta: Stalin

Card 5
Yalta: Agreements

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