Cold War
Cold War
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- Created by: sotes003.302
- Created on: 12-03-19 19:52
Communism - Ideologies
Only one political party / All industry and land owned by state / everyone is equal / try to impose communism elsewhere / Censorship of the media
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Capitalism - Ideologies
Multiple elected political parties / Almost all industry and land owned privately / Some wealthier than others / encourage international trade / little censorship of the media
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Roosevelt -
Convinced that USSR wanted control of Europe / Determined to stand up to Stalin
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Stalin -
Suspected that west didn't want USSR to be strong / He wanted to control eastern European governments to be safe from attacks / Thought that the atomic bomb was a threat
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Churchill -
Suspicious of Stalin's motives / He thought that USSR troops would occupy eastern European countries
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Tehran conference -
1943 / Big 3 / A second front to open in France / USSR to join war vs Japan / UN to be set up after war / Discussion of Polish boarders
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Yalta conference -
1945 / Big 3 / Divide Germany into 4 / Free elections to be held in German Occupied zones / Stalin wanted higher amount of reparations from Germany
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Potsdam conference -
1945 / Stalin Truman Atlee / Germany and Berlin split / Germany had to pay reparations / Denazification / UN set up / Stalin didn't want free elections in east
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Satellite states full control -
1948 / USSR expanded influence for security / Acted as buffer zone / Elections were rigged / Increased rivalry / USSR controlled eastern Europe
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Iron Curtain speech -
1946 / Europe was divided by an iron curtain / Split between East and West
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Long telegram -
1946 / Made by US / USSR were aggressive and suspicious / This influenced the policy of containment / He recommended action against USSR expansion
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Novikov Telegram -
1946 / Made by USSR / Accused the US of trying to achieve world dominance / Posed a threat
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Policy of Containment -
Trying to Reduce the spread of communism and the influence of the USSR on countries considering communism
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Truman Doctrine -
1947 / Greece and Turkey close to communism / Promised economic aid to both to avoid communism / Greek government avoided communism / Tensions rose / Lead to cominform
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Marshall plan -
1947 / Communism occurs due to economic issues / Many European countries weak after WW2 / US sent aid for recovery / Increased division / Stalin accused this of selfish motives
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Cominform -
1947 / Allowed the USSR to coordinate communist parties in Europe / Response to Truman Doctrine / Maintained Power in Eastern Europe
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Comecon -
1949 / Allowed USSR to offer Economic assistance in Eastern Europe / Allowed control of economics in other countries / Reaction to the Marshall plan
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1st Berlin Crisis -
June 1948- May 1949
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Causes of Berlin Crisis -
Trizonia between allies / New currency in west Germany / Stalin didn't like USA entering Berlin
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Events of Berlin Crisis -
Stalin closed all access routes to Berlin / Airlift by USA / Many supplies constantly flown in / lasted 11 months
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Impact of Berlin Crisis -
Increased tension / Lead to formation of NATO / Confirmed divisions / US won - USSR lost
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Formation of NATO -
1949 / United Western Europe against communism / Said to defend Western Europe / Stalni saw this as a threat / USSR responded with The Warsaw Pact / Europe was divided
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Formation of Warsaw Pact -
1955 / Countered NATO / All Eastern European countries joined / The existence of 2 big alliances created more tension / Intensified the Arms Race
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Arms Race -
After Atomic Bomb - Both sided intensified arms spending / 1949 - USSR have first atomic bomb / Both Strived for more and bigger bombs
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When did Both Sides successfully build and test the first H Bombs -
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Hungarian Uprising -
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Causes of the Hungarian Uprising -
Major Poverty / Hate for USSR control / Hate for communism / Hungarian religion and history banned / Hungary was in Cominform and Comecon / Rakosi (Leader) used terror to control
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Events of the Hungarian Uprising -
1956 - Rakosi Opposed and forced down / Oct 1956 - Student demonstration - Stalin Statue / Khrushchev ends demo - Nagy in power / Nagy Plans reforms / Soviet troops sent to end reforms / Kadar put in place
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Consequences of the Hungarian Uprising -
Little Action from West + US / Actions condemned / US + UK occupied with Suez crisis / USSR sent out a strong message of power
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Student Demonstration against Gero and Stalin -
23rd October 1956
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Refugee Crisis -
Better Quality of life in West made people want to leave the East / Many left for better opportunities on the West
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Claims of Espionage -
USSR claimed that west Berlin was only used for spying on USSR and disliked this
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Berlin Ultimatum - Leader and Details
1958 - Khrushchev / Accused allies of Breaking the Potsdam agreement / Told allies to leave Berlin within 6 months / Eisenhower was prepared to negotiate
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Geneva Summit -
May 1959 / Failed to Reach an agreement
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Camp David Summit -
September 1959 / Khrushchev visited US / Disarmament discussed / A further meeting to be held
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U2 Spyplane incident -
May 1960 - 9 days before planned Paris Summit / US spy plane shot down and pilot put on trial / Khrushchev demanded an end to spying
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Vienna Summit -
June 1961 / Demanded West to leave Berlin / No agreement made
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The Construction of the Berlin wall -
13 August 1961 / Took 8 days to build / USA and Allies did nothing to stop this / Wall had barbed wire, guards and Watchtowers
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Consequences of The Construction of the Berlin Wall -
German Families split / US - USSR standoff / Kennedy tried to avoid conflict / Refugees could no longer leave / Spying issue solved
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Increased Tension over Cuba -
USA originally controlled large parts of Cuban economy and industry / 1959 - Castro lead a successful revolution / Took US property / US removed support damaging economy / USSR helped with industry and economy
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Bay of Pigs Invasion -
1961 - Attempt to overthrow Castro / Attacked with Cuban Exiles - La Brigada 2506 / Invasion outnumbered and failed / Castro grew closer to Khrushchev / Khrushchev armed Cuba / US spy plane saw arms facing US 1962
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Cuban Missile Crisis -
16th October 1962 - 28th October 1962 / 20th - Quarantine Cuba / 22nd - Naval Blockade / 23rd - USSR ships will ignore Blockade / 24th - Ships turn around / 26th - Missiles will be removed if US don't invade / Agreements made later on
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Telephone Hotline -
1963 / Quick Communication between Washington and Moscow
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Test Ban Treaty -
1963 / Banned testing of Nuclear weapons
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Outer Space Treaty -
1967 / Space could not be militarised
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Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty -
1968 / Stopped the Spread of Nuclear weapons
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Increased Tension over Czechoslovakia -
Novotny was an unpopular leader / Big Economic issues / Hardline communist / Dubcek was made new leader
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Prague Spring -
1968 / Many Communist Reforms / Soviet Police had less power / Trade with the West / Freedom of speech / No censorship of the media / Planned free elections / Angered USSR / Brezhnev thought they would leave Warsaw pact
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Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia -
20th August 1968 / Thousands of Warsaw pact soldiers sent / Czechs tried to defend with petrol bombs / Dubcek arrested and forced to end reforms
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Consequences of the Invasion of Czechoslovakia -
Czech demonstrations - Jan Palache / Brezhnev Doctrine - Any threats to communism lead to armed intervention / USSR sent out a strong message / Communism was secured in East
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Jan Palache Demonstration -
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Detente -
Easing of Tensions / 1969-1979 / Threat of Nuclear war showed the need for change / Keen on reducing arms funding / Nixon wanted to reduce tensions / USSR didn't want China to ally with the US
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SALT 1 -
May 1972 / Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty / Ballistic missile production halted / Reduced Submarines and ICBM's
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Helsinki Agreements -
1975 / USSR , US and others / Calls for closer Economic, Scientific and Cultural Links / Human rights agreed
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SALT 2 -
1979 / A limit to Nuke delivery vehicles / Limit on MIRV's / Ban on ICBM launchers being made / Never Ratified due to USSR invasion of Afghanistan
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Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan -
1979 / Brezhnev afraid Mujahideen taking over from communist occupation / 25 Dec 1979 - Soviet troops sent / Mujahideen retaliated with guerrilla tactics / of Start of Second Cold War
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Reaction to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan -
Carter Doctrine - Us would use army to protect its international interests (Oil) / SALT 2 never ratified / Moscow olympics boycott / USSR boycotted US olympics
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USSR Olympic Games -
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USA Olympic Games -
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1983 / Reagan planned to send satellites into space equipped with lasers to destroy USSR bombs / USSR could not compete with this technology
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2 Principals in New Thinking -
Glasnost - Openness / Perestroika - Restructuring
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Geneva Conference -
1985 / No formal agreements / Promised further meetings / Reagan and Gorbachev got on well
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Reykjavik Conference -
1986 / Leaders made no agreement
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Washington Conference -
1987 - INF treaty signed / Nuclear ballistic missiles destroyed / Both sides could inspect each others arms/ 1990 - Signed Treaty for reduction and limitation of strategic arms / Strategic forces limited
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Gorbachev's rejection of the Brezhnev Doctrine -
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Sinatra Doctrine -
1989 / Warsaw pact countries could make their own changes / This lead to many countries having free and democratic elections
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The Fall of the Berlin Wall -
East Germany didn't embrace glasnost and perestroika / As communism fell - Protests began / Gorbachev visited and said his interference would stop / Democratic votes in Hungary made hole in the wall / Wall torn down / 9 Nov 1989
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The Collapse of the Soviet Union -
Eastern Europe left USSR / Many countries (Lithuania) announced independence / Gorbachev resigned 1991 / Warsaw pact ended 1991
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Multiple elected political parties / Almost all industry and land owned privately / Some wealthier than others / encourage international trade / little censorship of the media
Capitalism - Ideologies
Card 3
Convinced that USSR wanted control of Europe / Determined to stand up to Stalin

Card 4
Suspected that west didn't want USSR to be strong / He wanted to control eastern European governments to be safe from attacks / Thought that the atomic bomb was a threat

Card 5
Suspicious of Stalin's motives / He thought that USSR troops would occupy eastern European countries

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