After the CMC, what was seen as a possible outcome of nuclear development for JFK?
MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction. Therefore JFK wanted to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
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KV's attitudes after CMC?
Wanted a US-Soviet relationship based on mutual restraint rather than brinkmanship
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The Washington-Moscow 'hot line' - date?
June 1963
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What was the Washington-Moscow 'hot line'?
Direct communication line between the leaders of the US and USSR. 24/7. Aim: To avoid the delay in communication that occurred during the CMC, symbolised cooperation.
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When was the Moscow Test Ban Treaty?
August 1963
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What was the Moscow Test Ban Treaty?
Banned weapons testing in outer space, atmosphere and underwater.
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Strengths of Moscow Test Ban Treaty?
1st collective agreement to establish some limitations, showed commitment to easing tensions, the idea that nuclear war was a real possibility had been recognised, cooperation.
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When was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
July 1968
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What was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
Established that non-nuclear states would never be able to establish nuclear weapons by forming alliances with states that have nuclear weapons. (Agree to not assist, encourage or induce non-nuclear states to manufacture such weapons)
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Card 2
KV's attitudes after CMC?
Wanted a US-Soviet relationship based on mutual restraint rather than brinkmanship
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