Cognitive Approach for Gender

  • Created by: Han2812
  • Created on: 19-01-14 15:19
What are the 3 stages in Kohlberg's Theory for children?
Gender Identity - 2/3 yrs, label themselves and others in terms of sex, Gender Stability - 3/4 yrs, their own sex remains stable over time, Gender Constancy - 4-7 yrs, each persons sex remains stable over time
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What does EGOCENTRIC mean and what stage is it in?
Gender Stability stage. Means inability to view the world from different perspectives
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What does DE-CENTRE mean and what stage is it in?
Gender Constancy stage. Means children developing the ability to view the world from another's perspective
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What does CONSERVE mean and what stage is it in?
Gender Constancy stage. Means children can understand that the properties of objects are conserved, stay the same, even if appearances change
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What is the Gender Schema Theory?
Where children actively seek out gender related information, younger than the gender constancy age, forming stereotypes of genders then scripts of genders
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What is a SCHEMA?
An internal mental representation of the world which is used to make sense of experiences
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What is a SCRIPT?
An internal representation of a set of actions that make up a routine
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What happens to information consistent with gender schemas?
They ENCODE the information - can retrieve it later, and it becomes ASSIMILATED into their thinking, consistent with their stereotypes
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What happens to information NOT consistent with gender schemas?
Not as easily remembered by younger children, can be manipulated and changed to other sex which is more stereotypical of that role
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What is the study supporting gender schemas? Method, results, conclusion
MARTIN + HALVERSON 1983, 5-6 yr olds shown pictures of people doing activities that were gender consistent, others not. Schema consistent tasks were remembered, inconsistent tasks were changed to consistent sex, shows the use of schemas in children
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What is the study supporting Kohlberg's Theory? Method, results, conclusion
MARCUS + OVERTON 1978. 5-6 + 7-8 yr olds show puzzle of boy + girl with changeable hair + clothes. The children's faces were also superimposed not the characters. Young children saw own sex as stable, older children saw theirs + others sex stable
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How is the Cognitive approach different and similar to the Psychodynamic for gender?
DIFFERENT: P focuses more on unconscious elements. SIMILAR: Both agree on set stages for gender development
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How is the Cognitive Approach different and similar to the Biological for gender?
DIFFERENT: B argues that gender is determined by factors such as genes/hormones. SIMILAR: As gender developed in stages, follows bio maturation
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How is the Cognitive approach different and similar to SLT for gender?
DIFFERENT: SLT focuses more on the environmental influences for gender. SIMILAR: Both use role models
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does EGOCENTRIC mean and what stage is it in?


Gender Stability stage. Means inability to view the world from different perspectives

Card 3


What does DE-CENTRE mean and what stage is it in?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does CONSERVE mean and what stage is it in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the Gender Schema Theory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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