Implements policies of DEFRA to build flood/coastal defences in the UK.
Environment Agency
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Wearing away of land surface and removal of debris by water, ice or wind
2 of 19
the process by which ecosystems experbecome more fertile environments as detergents, sewage and artificial fertilisers flow in
3 of 19
the total distance of open water that a wind blows across.
4 of 19
the weathering of rocks which occurs when water which has penetrated joints and cracks freezes and expands.
5 of 19
the scientific study of the Earth, including the origin and history of the rocks and soils of which the Earth is made.
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the study of the shape of the earth and the processes that work on the surface of the earth.
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coastal protection methods that are designed to overcome natural processes. Structures are built to resist wave and tidal energy and sub aerial processes that cause mass movement eg sea walls.
Hard engineering
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the highest point that the tidal waters come to.
High water mark
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A strategy of coastal management to continue to hold the line of defence where it is by maintaining or enhancing the current coastal defences.
Hold the line
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When a parcel of air is trapped and compressed into a joint or between a wave and the cliff causing the weakening or breaking off of rock or damage to sea defences.
Hydraulic pressure
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Areas of the coast with endemic species of plants and animals (that are only found in that area), diversity, aesthetic and recreational value and vulnerable to human impact.
High value coastal areas
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an approach which sees the coastal zone as an interactive and dynamic complex of sub-systems. Human activities in one sub-system may adversely affect other sub-systems. For this reason, it considers that various parts of the coastal zone cannot be co
Integrated coastal management
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the rise or fall of the Earth’s continental crust, often in response to the melting or accumulation of glacial ice.
Isostatic changes
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geological period 135-195 million years ago
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up to 60km inland.
Onshore coastal zone
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abrasion, attrition, solution and hydraulic pressure
Marine erosion
17 of 19
see retreat the line
Managed retreat
18 of 19
the downslope movement of material such as rocks, loose soil and stones by gravity and it is often lubricated by water.
Mass movement
19 of 19
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Wearing away of land surface and removal of debris by water, ice or wind
Card 3
the process by which ecosystems experbecome more fertile environments as detergents, sewage and artificial fertilisers flow in
Card 4
the total distance of open water that a wind blows across.
Card 5
the weathering of rocks which occurs when water which has penetrated joints and cracks freezes and expands.
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