Coasts Definitions 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyCoastal environmentsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: AlemaeCreated on: 21-06-17 12:30 Geology - the structure of the earth (bedding planes, etc.), the rock properties and the processes acting on it 1 of 10 Igneous rock - Granite, solid volcanic lava, and basalt 2 of 10 Sedimentary Rock -sandstone and shale 3 of 10 Metamorphic Rock - Marble and Slate 4 of 10 Relief - the height of the land 5 of 10 Estuary - where the tide meets the stream 6 of 10 Littoral Zone - the part of a sea, lake or river that is close to the shore. 7 of 10 Coastal Morphology (can just be morphology) - the study of the origin and evolution of coastal features 8 of 10 Lithology - general physical characteristics of rocks. 9 of 10 Strata - layers of rock in any direction 10 of 10
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