Adding extra sand or gravel to a beach and make it wider and thicker
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A wooden barrier built at right angles to the beach.
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Sea wall
A wall built on the edge of the coastline.
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Large boulders are piled up on the beach.
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Hard engineering
Hard engineering options tend to be expensive, short-term options. They may also have a high impact on the landscape or environment and be unsustainable.
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Soft Engineering
Soft engineering options are often less expensive than hard engineering options. They are usually more long-term and sustainable, with less impact on the environment.
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Shoreline Management plan
A large-scale assessment of the risks associated with coastal processes which seeks to reduce these risks to people and the developed, historic and natural environments.
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Hold the line
Where existing coastal defences are maintained but no new defences are set up.
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Retreat the line
Move people out of danger zones and let mother nature unleash take control.
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Advance the line
New defences are built further out in the sea in an attempt to reduce the stress on current defences and possibly extend the coastline slightly.
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Curved seawall
help in breaking the waves and lessen the wave energy.
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Mound Seawall
involve the construction of mound type structures in situations where wave energy is low and less demanding settings which are least exposed use a facing of sandbags, stones or porous rocks that form concrete armor for the embankment.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A wooden barrier built at right angles to the beach.
Card 3
A wall built on the edge of the coastline.
Card 4
Large boulders are piled up on the beach.
Card 5
Hard engineering options tend to be expensive, short-term options. They may also have a high impact on the landscape or environment and be unsustainable.
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