Clinical Psychology Introduction

  • Created by: The Shrew
  • Created on: 13-01-16 16:34
Main cause of sz
Childhood trauma
1 of 13
3 definitions of abnormal
Medical definition- something that worsens health or well-being/ Statistical definition- unusual in population/ Social definition- disapproved or needs to be changed
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Issues with DSM-V and ICD-XI
not based on experimental research/ focus on biology/ no consistency in studies/ treatment used unscientifically and carelessly
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Pathologising normal behaviour
grief after loss of loved one over 2 months= Major Depression Disorder
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Kessler et al
half of Americans meet DSM-V criteria at some point
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Decide degree of presence
continuum rather than dimensional
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Every day forgetting in old age
Minor Neurocognitive Disorder
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Excessing eating 12 times in 3 months
Binge Eating Disorder
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8 Causal explanations
Biomedical, Behavioural, Biopsychosocial, Cognitive, Diatheisis, Humanistic, Psychodynamic, Psychosocial
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John Read
Extreme trauma leads to altered stress regulation- hearing voices
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Stigma- Public vs self-stigma
Stereotype, prejudice, discrimination
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74% woman been in mental institution once= can't be trusted as babysitter/ 50% uncomfortable talking to employer about mental illness/ 35% mental disorders= dangerous/ 33% mental hospitals= outdated
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What causes stigma 4
Being different= danger/ terminology/ medical models/ media
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


3 definitions of abnormal


Medical definition- something that worsens health or well-being/ Statistical definition- unusual in population/ Social definition- disapproved or needs to be changed

Card 3


Issues with DSM-V and ICD-XI


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Pathologising normal behaviour


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Kessler et al


Preview of the front of card 5
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