clinical causal models - poverty and inequality
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- Created by: Cruick96
- Created on: 26-04-17 15:57
what is relative poverty?
how poor you are compared to others (according to social rank theory)
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what are some current poverty stats?
4 million children in poverty, 1/5 people in UK live in poverty, 40% families in UK too poor to participate in society, in almost half of families living in poverty there is at least 1 adult working
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what broad categories have been classified to cause mental distress?
relational (families, early exp, trauma & abuse), bio (nt's, brain structure, genetics), social (inequalities & poverty, gender, ethnicity)
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what was wickham's longitudinal study on poverty on child and maternal mental health?
analysed existing database on millenium cohort following children & familes over 11yrs. fams weren't poor at time 1 but moved to poverty at time 2 had more probs with mental health. when maternal mh controlled for child mental health was better
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what does wickham's study suggest?
moving to poverty is bad for both mothers and children, but when mums less affected mh, child's will be better too - acts as a buffer
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what is a mediator?
variable that explains relationship between 2 other variables
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what is a moderator?
variable that influences strength of relationship between 2 other variables
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what could be some mediator and moderators of mental distress from poverty?
abuse, bullying, education - ie, poverty affects how you perceive yourself, which causes you to self harm, which is a sign of mental distress
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what did wilkinson and pickett find in their book about absolute and relative poverty?
societal level poverty (gini index, gap between rich and poor) has a bigger negative influence on mental health than absolute poverty
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what is the gini index?
measures distance between rich and poor
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what was found in wilkinson and pickett's aggregate level analyses?
conditions of greater inequality (gap between rich and poor = big) the society does badly in terms of multiple health and behavioural outcomes (life expectancy, infant mortality, homicides, inprisonment, teen births, trust, obesity, drug and alc addi
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what did roosa et al find about child mental health outcomes according to poverty?
produced flow chart: neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage -> neighbourhood perceptions & neighbourhood social processes -> child outcomes. ie child may be perceived as more dangerous which stresses them out
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what is the relative deprivation hypothesis?
offers indiv level explanation for inequality-mental health link that's found at an aggregate level, indivs compare others (income, opps, status), relative low status relates to poorer health and psyc outcomes, humans evolved aversion to equity
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what is the macarthur ladder of subjective social status?
simple method to study inequality, top of ladder = people who have highest standing in community, bottom = lowest. where would you put yourself? in terms of education, income etx. used in research to look at relative deprivation. doesn't take long.
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what did rubin et al find?
longitudinal study with uni students. found that most sudents who put themselves low on ladder had adverse mental health (more depression & anxiety). used a mediation model - was it cos they didn't socialise as much? mediated by social contact
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what did mishra and carlton find?
subjective relative deprivation associated with poorer physical and mental health. some peope feel envious of ppl with money, makes feel guilty, so feel bad about selves, which causes issues with mental health
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what has been found about perception in the relative deprivation hypothesis?
perception = extremely important. if don't perceive self to be poor but u live in a poor environment, it's not so bad for mental health than if perceive self as poor
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what has been found about the role of telomeres in costa rica?
area where poorest live longest. also found long telomeres in these people but only in indivs who lived in household w/ good social ties.
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what have other studies found about poverty and life expectancy?
poorest americans die the youngest - even though are poorer than the costa ricans. they look older, age faster, die sooner. even true when take in to account smoking etc.
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what are telomeres?
sequences of nucleotides at both ends of chromosomes protecting the chromosome. shorter telomeres relate to stress, low rank, poor physical health and premature ageing
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what did chae et al look for about telomere length and depression?
longer the telomeres, better the outcome. perceived racism in aa men, those who perceive more racism felt had been deprived in edu and other ops. expected them to have shorter telomeres.
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what were ridout et al's unusual findings?
found link between depression, anxiety, length of telomeres. if have depression could wear down telomeres. actually had longer telomeres. those who perceived more anxiety and racism had shorter ones. depression could be shileding factoragainst aging
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what does this suggest about anxiety?
speeds up aging, breaks down telomeres
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what is allostatic load?
cumulative wear and tear of body as response to stress.
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what did mcewan say was allostatic load?
perceived stress related to symp ns and cardiovasc system works. when under stress hypothal sends info to pituitary gland which sends message to adrenal gland which induces stress reponse. if constant under stress, suppress immune system - affects mh
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how can allostatic load be measured?
half days of stress cells, dysregulation of multiple physiological systems - cardiovascular systems, para/symp ns etc
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what did brosnan and dewaal find about inequity aversion in deep evolutionary history?
capuchin monkeys reject unequal pay - cucumber and grapes vid. suggested aversion to inewuality runs deep in evo history
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how can unfair treatment (inequity) make people feel?
can affect self esteem, angry sad. more likely to react with anger and rectify unfairness due to evolution but if happens continually and dont have much power to change it, associated with depression
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what is the social rank theory?
most social mammals live in hierarchically structured organisations where high status = higher reproductive success. feeling poorer relates to anger, dissatifs, resentment.
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what did stevens and price find about social rank theory?
depression is an adaptive response to losing status. less likely to go out and socialise, more likely to ruminate about social status etc. adapted to take time out and think about trying to organise self etc
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are some current poverty stats?
4 million children in poverty, 1/5 people in UK live in poverty, 40% families in UK too poor to participate in society, in almost half of families living in poverty there is at least 1 adult working
Card 3
what broad categories have been classified to cause mental distress?
Card 4
what was wickham's longitudinal study on poverty on child and maternal mental health?
Card 5
what does wickham's study suggest?
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