The average condidtions of precipitation, temp, pressure and wind measured over a 30 year period
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Climate Change
A long term trend or shift in climate detected by a sustained shift in the average value for any climatic element Eg. rainfall, drought and storminess
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Milancovitch Cycles
The three interacting astronomical cycles in the earths orbit around the sun. They are believed to be accountable for long term climate change
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Thermohaline Circulation / Ocean Conveyor
A golbal system of surface and deep water ocean currents driven by differences in temperature (thermo-) and salinity (-haline) between areas of the oceans
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Little Ice Age
A cool period in Europe (possibly globally) in which many Alpine glaciers advanced. It lasted from around 1400 to 1850
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Medieval Warm Period
A period of unusually warm North Atlantic climate lasting from around 800 to 1400
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Thermal Expansion
The increased volume of the oceans as a result of their higher water temperature, leading to sea level rise. It accounted for about 60% of sea level rise in the late 20th century
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Carbon Sinks
Reservoirs of Co2. E.g Oceans and plants
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Feedback Effects
those that can either amplify a small change and make it larger (Positive Feedback) or diminish the change or make it smaller (Negative Feedback)
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The environment of plants and animals where they live, feed and reproduce
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Permanently frozen ground
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Native People
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Eustatic Change
Change in sea level due to the changes in the amount of water in the ocean
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Isostatic Change
Movement in the land in response to loss of grain or mass. E.g melting ice sheets leads to the uplift of land
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Tipping Point
When climate change occurs irreversibly and at an increasing rate
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Reducing the output of the greenhouse gases and increasing the size of greenhouse gas sinks
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Changing our lifestyles to cope with a new environment rather than trying to stop climate change
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Carbon Credits
A way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in industry by putting a value and a limit on a country's emissions and allowing the country to sell its emissions shortfall or to buy carbon credits if it exceeds its limits.
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Carbon Credits
Can also be used to finance carbon reduction schemes
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Sustainable Development
'Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs' - Brundtland Report 1987
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International Panel on Climate Change - A UN organisation that looks at the evidence and publishes reports on the human impact on climate change
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A long term trend or shift in climate detected by a sustained shift in the average value for any climatic element Eg. rainfall, drought and storminess
Climate Change
Card 3
The three interacting astronomical cycles in the earths orbit around the sun. They are believed to be accountable for long term climate change
Card 4
A golbal system of surface and deep water ocean currents driven by differences in temperature (thermo-) and salinity (-haline) between areas of the oceans
Card 5
A cool period in Europe (possibly globally) in which many Alpine glaciers advanced. It lasted from around 1400 to 1850
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