Cleopatra 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Ancient HistoryCleopatraGCSEOCR Created by: devinterCreated on: 20-04-16 14:39 Why was Egypt weathy agriclture, mineral wealth and trade 1 of 19 who was Cleopatra's father Ptolemy XII 2 of 19 why was Egypt so relient on Rome They were unpopular and weak 3 of 19 Which daughter grabbed power from Ptolemy XII Berinice 4 of 19 how old was Cleopatra when she became queen 18 5 of 19 who was her co-ruler and how old were they her brother phtolemy who was 10 6 of 19 why did rome want egypt to become a client kingdom mainly for its weath 7 of 19 how much money did Photemy give to the roman empire to secure his rule 6000 8 of 19 in which year did Pholemy XII flee egypt 58BC 9 of 19 when was cleopatra driven out of Egypt 48BC 10 of 19 was wanted to remove Cleopatra from power and why Her brothers advisors who wanted to increase thier power 11 of 19 why was Julius Ceaser angry at the egytions becuse they had beheaded Pompey 12 of 19 in which city was Julius trapped in and for how long Alexandria for several months 13 of 19 how did Cleopatras brother and husband die when Ceares renforcments arrived in the fighting he was killed 14 of 19 what titel was given to Julius in feb 44BC dictator for life 15 of 19 who lead the assaination of Julius Ceaser Brutus and Cassius 16 of 19 what relation was Julius to Octavian Great uncle 17 of 19 when was the assaination of Julius 15th of march 44BC 18 of 19 were was Cleopatra during the assasination in rome 19 of 19
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