CIE IGCSE ICT module 1 crossword 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ICTData and InformationIGCSECIE Created by: Rhys OwenCreated on: 30-03-13 10:15 A device which does something with the data given by the input device processor 1 of 13 The set of instructions that run on the processor to make the computer do something software 2 of 13 The collection of software which controls the computer and makes it do what it does operating system 3 of 13 A type of user interface shortened to GUI Graphical user interface 4 of 13 A type of user interface shortened to CLI Command line interface 5 of 13 Word processors and graphics programs are examples of this applications software 6 of 13 Temporary memory lost when the computer is turned of Random accsess memory 7 of 13 The smallest unit of coputer storage binary digit 8 of 13 A device designed to process information or control a sytem computer 9 of 13 Permanent memory, conataining software to boot up the computer read only memory 10 of 13 The physical components of a computer hardware 11 of 13 Used to store programs and data when computer is turned off backing storage 12 of 13 Something that keeps all the data and software used storage device 13 of 13