Churchill 1929-51

1900 Churchill entered politics as a Conservative MP after being a profession soldier in India and the Sudan
Churchill entered politics as a Conservative MP after being a profession soldier in India and the Sudan
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1904 Churchill joined the Liberals
Churchill joined the Liberals
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1905 Churchill becomes a minister
Churchill becomes a minister
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1908 Churchill in the cabinet as president of the board of trade, and then home secretary and first lord of the Admiralty
Churchill in the cabinet as president of the board of trade, and then home secretary and first lord of the Admiralty
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1914 Churchill played a leading role in introducing social reforms
Churchill played a leading role in introducing social reforms
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1915 failed attack on Turkey led to Churchill's resignation from the First World War
failed attack on Turkey led to Churchill's resignation from the First World War
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1917 Churchill rejoined the government as minister for munitions after being in the army in France
Churchill rejoined the government as minister for munitions after being in the army in France
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1918-1922 Churchill served in Lloyd George's coalition government
Churchill served in Lloyd George's coalition government
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1924-29 Churchill rejoined the Conservatives and was chancellor of the exchequer
Churchill rejoined the Conservatives and was chancellor of the exchequer
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Card 2


Churchill joined the Liberals


1904 Churchill joined the Liberals

Card 3


Churchill becomes a minister


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Card 4


Churchill in the cabinet as president of the board of trade, and then home secretary and first lord of the Admiralty


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Churchill played a leading role in introducing social reforms


Preview of the back of card 5
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