Christianity Questions from topic:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesChristianityGCSEOCR Created by: IsabelCreated on: 21-04-13 19:31 What is the Big bang theory? People believe the world was created when lots of gases came together and there was a bang 1 of 12 What is evolution? The theory that we have evolved from apes 2 of 12 What does immoral mean? The wrong thing to do 3 of 12 What does Ecumenical mean? Christian denominations working together 4 of 12 What is the Just War Theory? The belief that wars can be morally justified if they follow certain critera 5 of 12 What does nuclear pacifism mean? Belief that the use of a nuclear weapon can never be justified 6 of 12 What does Proselytising mean? Trying to convert people from their religion to yours 7 of 12 What does prejudice mean? Making judgement not based on reason or actual experience 8 of 12 What is commitment? It is a bond between a couple 9 of 12 What is a sacrament? It is a special action which brings Christians closer together 10 of 12 What is an embryo? A foetus before it is 4 months old 11 of 12 What are Medical ethics? Questions or morality that are raised by medical situations 12 of 12
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