An additional form of worship that is private and strengthens your relationship with God
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Prayer - Points
Develop a relationship with God / Adorational prayer, Confessional prayer, Thanksgiving / Set Prayers / Lords Prayer / Informal prayers
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Quakers - Prayer
Don't use set Prayer / allow for silence and personal prayer
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Evangelical worship - Prayer
Involves informal means of prayer
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Sacraments -
Baptism / Confirmation / Eucharist / Holy Orders / Marriage / Penance / Anointing of the Sick
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Protestants - Sacraments
Only Baptism and Eucharist / only ones involved in Jesus' life
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Evangelical Christians - Sacraments
Practice these / Not especially sacred
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Baptism - Points
Babies Christened / Godparents make your promises / Baptists only carry out believers baptism / Rite of entry / Removes original sin / Follow in Jesus' example
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Baptism - Quote
'Baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'
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Eucharist - Points
Last supper - Jesus taught communion / Catholics believe in transubstantiation / Protestants believe Christ is spiritually present / Baptists believe it is an act of remembrance
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Transubstantiation -
The real body and Blood of Jesus
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Christmas -
Incarnation of Jesus / Advent is the buildup / People attend church / Gifts exchanged / Signifies Jesus' arrival on earth
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Easter -
Death and Resurrection of Jesus / Lent is 40 day period before / Holy week is the week before Easter Sunday / Christians go to church all throughout holy week / Jesus resurrected on Easter Sunday
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Pilgrimage - Walsingham
Lord Manor had a vision of Mary to build a replica of their house / It is now a shrine / A replica of where Jesus lived
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Pilgrimage - Taize
People of different backgrounds and denominations meet / People study the Bible and meet other Christians / Christians go as an act of atonement
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Changing Religious Landscape -
There is a Decline in Christians visiting church / Festivals have lost significance / Christmas is growingly secular / CofE is established religion of country
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Traditions -
'Keep holy the sabath day' / In court you swear on the Bible / Religious texts read at ceremonies / Laws based on 10 Commandments / English calendar = Christian Calendar
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Evangelism / Mission of the Church -
Preach and spread the gospel to convert others / Share the good news of God / Help people live a good life in accordance to God
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Church Growth -
Some churches close due to attendance / Evangelical churches growing / Fresh expressions encourage people to go to church / Cafe churches / Workplace worship
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Tearfund -
Christian Charity / Spread and promote 'Love thy neighbour' / Spread Jesus' teachings and agape / help in struggling countries / campaign against poverty / Encourage self-help
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Persecution of Christians -
'Martyr' - someone killed based on beliefs / Jesus was a martyr / Evangelical organisations (Open Door) try to offer help to persecuted Christians
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Open Doors -
Distribute Bibles / Help deal with trauma / offer support / Raise awareness
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Reconcilliation -
restoration of a good relationship with God / In a pluralist society, Christian denominations must reconcile and work together
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Ecumenical Movement -
Aims to promote Christian unity / Bring Christian denominations together / They have already improved unity
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The World Council of Churches -
Aim to bring denominations together / Work around the world / Hold a prayer week
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Worship with no set structure
Informal Worship -
Card 3
An additional form of worship that is private and strengthens your relationship with God
Card 4
Develop a relationship with God / Adorational prayer, Confessional prayer, Thanksgiving / Set Prayers / Lords Prayer / Informal prayers
Card 5
Don't use set Prayer / allow for silence and personal prayer
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