Christianity - Beliefs

Nature of God -
Monotheistic / Omnipotent - All powerful / Omnipresent - everywhere / Omniscient - All knowing / Omnibenevolent - all loving / Transcendant - beyond material world
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Omnipotent - Evidence
Creation / Parted the seas for Moses / Jesus' miracles
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Omnibenevolent - Evidence
God sent us Jesus / Jesus suffered for us all
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Problem of Evil - Inconsistent triad
Can God be : Omnipotent , Omnibenevolent and Evil Exists?
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Responses to the problem of evil -
God gave us free will / Suffering is a test / A result of original sin / Soul building
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The Story of Job - Message
Gods ways are beyond our own and should not be questioned
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The Trinity - Father
All powerful and all knowing / Creator / Christians form a relationship with the father through worship
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The Trinity - Son
God incarnate / Revelation of God to humans / Achieved atonement
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The Trinity - Holy Spirit
Guides Christian lives / Provides support / Strengthens relationship with God
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The Apostles Creed -
A statement of fundamental beliefs / God is omnipotent / God is the creator / Jesus is God incarnate / There will be a day of judgment
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Genesis 1 -
God made the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day
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Genesis 2 -
God made Adam and Eve and let them live in paradise with God
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Genesis 3 -
The fall / Adam and Eve commit original sin and are banished from paradise
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Jesus Christ -
God incarnate / Jesus achieved atonement / Born of the Virgin Mary
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Life of Jesus -
Born of the Virgin Mary / Was a carpenter / Performed many miracles / Was Baptised by John the Baptist
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Crucifixion -
Jesus put on the cross by Romans / Insulted with a crown of thorns / Jesus crucified with criminals / Asks the Father to forgive his persecutors / Jesus died on the cross
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Atonement -
Jesus' death healing the rift between God and man / All sins forgiven by the death of Jesus / The ultimate sacrifice / The last sacrifice - no need for any more animal sacrifices
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The Last Supper -
Jesus shares his last supper with his disciples / He teaches Eucharist - Bread and Wine are the Body and Blood of Jesus / Spoke about Eternal life
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Ascension of Jesus -
Jesus Rose to Heaven to return to the father / Literal view - Jesus physically rose to heaven / Liberal view - Jesus' time on earth was over
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Salvation - Bible
The Word of God / Source of Authority / Revelation of God / New Testament and Old Testament / Liberal Christians - The Bible needs interpretation
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Sin -
Immoral act against God / Original sin is in us all? / Human nature = sinful? / Separates us from God / Jesus is the ultimate sacrafice
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Evangelism -
Spreading the word of God in the hope of converting people to Christianity
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Holy Spirit - Evangelism
Holy spirit helps in Genesis / Brought the Bible to humans / Made the Virgin Mary conceive / Guides Christians
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Eschatological Beliefs -
Beliefs about the afterlife / Belief in Jesus will take you to eternal life / Heaven and Hell exist / Parable of the Sheep and Goats / Prepared for during life on Earth
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Afterlife - Catholics
Believe in Purgatory - A place in between heaven and hell for cleansing / Prayers can be said by the living to shorten time in purgatory
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Creation / Parted the seas for Moses / Jesus' miracles


Omnipotent - Evidence

Card 3


God sent us Jesus / Jesus suffered for us all


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Can God be : Omnipotent , Omnibenevolent and Evil Exists?


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


God gave us free will / Suffering is a test / A result of original sin / Soul building


Preview of the back of card 5
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