Belief that Jesus died on the cross to heal the rift between humans and God.
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Jesus coming back to life post death.
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An outward sign of invisible and inward blessing by god.
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Preaching the gospel to others with the intention of converting others to christian beliefs.
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What does salvation mean
Saving. (Jesus saved the rift between humans and god by death on the cross.
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How do christians achieve salvation for their sins?
Protestants believe they must have faith in Jesus and repent their sins to achieve salvation.
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What is purgatory?
A metaphorical "waiting room" for people to be cleansed of all their sins before going to heaven.
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What's special about Walsingham?
One place of pilgrimage for Christians due to a medieval shrine to the church Jesus was born in (why it's important.
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Why is the Taize pilgrimage site important?
Taize is where over 100 monks live, all from different denominations of Christianity. They promote the ending of conflict between denominations so we can all work together.
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