A year long walk away from persecution by the nationalists. 1934-5, Jiangxi Soviet- Yan'an
2 of 15
When did Mao become the leader of the CCP?
3 of 15
What was the first Anti - movement against?
Waste, Corruption and inefficiency
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What was the second Anti movement against?
Industrial sabotage, tax evasion, bribery, fraud and theft of govt. proterty
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What was re- unification?
PLA sent to outlying areas of China (Tibet, Xianjang, Guangdong) in order to strengthen communist control
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Name 3 types of registration used.
Danwei- working permit, Hokou- accomodation certificate, Dangan- personal information folder
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What were the costs of involvement in the Korean war?
1 million chinese deaths, economic drain, diverted plans, had to prove itself in war before it was established in peace
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What were the benefits of involvement in the Korean war?
Consolidation of CCP power, hardened resolve to stand alone, could claim that they were alone in fighting for international communism, justification for repression
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What was the 100 flowers campaign?
An invitation to CCP members to criticise the party. Mao appalled by outpouring of disloyalty and thousands of "anti-socialists" were imprisoned
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What were the main aims of the GLF?
Achieve industrial lift off asap, become self sufficient, double food production, establishment of communes
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Why did the GLF fail?
workforce too busy making useless steel to work in fields, farming methods killed plants, Mao declared all talk of famine was treason (Lushan Conference 1959)
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What were the main motives for the CR?
fear of opposition, wish to leave a legacy after death, resentment of success of Deng & Liu, Ideology, International rivalry, hated of foreign influence
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What was the impact of the CR?
1 million deaths, uneducated generation, increase in youth crime, modernisation delayed, production fell, shortage of experts for decades
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How did the CR consolidate CCP power?
destruction of sources of opposing ideas (book burnings), sending youth to countryside removed threat of paramilitary uprising, Little red book inforced ideas, attracted younger demographic, removed opponants from within the party (Laogiai)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the Long March?
A year long walk away from persecution by the nationalists. 1934-5, Jiangxi Soviet- Yan'an
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