Chemistry- Unit 4

  • Created by: lucyk139
  • Created on: 12-03-14 11:12
For the equation A+B-->C+D, and the order with respect to A is 1 and with respect to B is 2, what is the rate equation?
Rate = k[A][B]^2
1 of 17
For the equation A+B-->C+D, when the [A] doubles, there is no effect on the rate. What is the order with respect to A?
0th order
2 of 17
For the equation A+B-->C+D, when the [A] doubles, the rate also doubles. What is the order with respect to A?
1st order
3 of 17
Step one of a reaction is slow. Step two is fast. Which is the rate determining step?
Step one
4 of 17
For the general equation aA + bB --> dD + eE, what is the expression for the equilibrium constant, Kc?
Kc= ([D]^d * [C]^c) / ([A]^a * [B]^b)
5 of 17
State Le Chatelier's Principle
If there's a change in concentration, pressure or temperature, the equilibrium will move to help counteract the change.
6 of 17
What is the definition of a Bronsted-Lowry acid?
A proton donor
7 of 17
What is the definition of a Bronsted-Lowry base?
A proton acceptor
8 of 17
What is the equation for the dissociation of a strong acid in water?
HA + H2O --> H3O(+) + A(-) OR HA --> H(+) + A(-)
9 of 17
Write the expression for Kw
Kw = [H(+)] [OH(-)]
10 of 17
Write an expression for pH in terms of [H(+)]
pH = -log[H+]
11 of 17
Write an expression for [H+] in terms of pH
[H+] = 10^-pH
12 of 17
If you have 0.1moldm^-3 hydrochloric acid, what is the pH of the solution?
13 of 17
If you have 0.25moldm^-3 sulfuric acid, what is the pH of the solution?
14 of 17
The Kw value at 298K is 1.0x10^-14. Find the pH of 0.1moldm^-3 NaOH at 298K.
15 of 17
Find the pH of a 0.02moldm^-3 solution of propanoic acid. Ka is 1.30X10^-5.
16 of 17
The pH of an ethanoic acid solution is 3.02. Calculate the molar concentration of this solution. The Ka of ethanoic acid is 1.75x10^-5.
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


For the equation A+B-->C+D, when the [A] doubles, there is no effect on the rate. What is the order with respect to A?


0th order

Card 3


For the equation A+B-->C+D, when the [A] doubles, the rate also doubles. What is the order with respect to A?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Step one of a reaction is slow. Step two is fast. Which is the rate determining step?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


For the general equation aA + bB --> dD + eE, what is the expression for the equilibrium constant, Kc?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Kiran Ishtiaq


Thank You!!

these are really helpful

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