What does the effect of temperature have on the rate of reaction?
If the temperature increases the particles gain more kinetic energy and therefore collide with more force so they have more chance of being succesfull. This also means there are more frequent collisons.
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what is activation energy?
the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur
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what does a catalyst do?
A catalyst provides an alternative reation pathway which lowers the activation energy so more particles will have an energy higher then the activation energy so can overcome the energy barrier for a reaction to occur but remain chemically unchanged
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What must happen for a reaction to take place?
The particles must have an activation energy and collide with enouh force to break bonds, they must also collide in a certain relative way with the correct orientation
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what does increasing the pressure do to the rate of reaction?
decreases the space so particles are closer together therefore there are more frequent collisons
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What does the Maxwell-Boltzman distribution graph represent?
it shows the distribution of energy amongst the particles
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energy in particles
no particle has zero energy, most particles have intermiediate energies
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thesedo not affect the enthalpy change of the reactions nor do they affect the postion of equillibrium in a reversible reaction
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Heterogeneous catalysts
catalyst is in a different phase to the reactants-usually a solid catalyst and liquid or gaseous reactants
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Homogeneous catalysts
catalsyt and reactants are in the same phase
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Catalyst convertors
honeycomb structure made of ceramin material coated with platinum nd rhodium metals which are the catalysts. honeycomb structure provides a large urface area for the reaction to take place
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is activation energy?
the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to occur
Card 3
what does a catalyst do?
Card 4
What must happen for a reaction to take place?
Card 5
what does increasing the pressure do to the rate of reaction?
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