Chemistry Flashcards

  • Created by: Kelly
  • Created on: 12-05-13 12:29
Functional Group
The part of the organic molecule responsible for chemical reactions.
1 of 7
Homologous Series
A series of organic compounds with the same functional group but with each successive member differing by CH2
2 of 7
Structural Isomer
Same molecular formula but different structural arrangements.
3 of 7
Homolytic Fission
The breaking of a covalent bond when one of the bonded electrons goes to each atom. Forming two radicals
4 of 7
Heterolytic Fission
Breaking of a covalent bond when both of the bonded electrons goes to one atom.
5 of 7
Catalysts for Reactions
6 of 7
Enthalpy Change of Reaction
the enthalpy change that accompanies a reaction in the molar quantities expressed in a chemical equation under standard conditions , all in their standard states.
7 of 7

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Card 2


A series of organic compounds with the same functional group but with each successive member differing by CH2


Homologous Series

Card 3


Same molecular formula but different structural arrangements.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The breaking of a covalent bond when one of the bonded electrons goes to each atom. Forming two radicals


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Breaking of a covalent bond when both of the bonded electrons goes to one atom.


Preview of the back of card 5
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