Chemistry - Chem 9: Rates of reactions 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistryRate of reactionGCSEAQA Created by: shcooolCreated on: 27-05-15 14:59 How may the rate of a reaction be found? measuring the amount of a reactant used up or amount of product formed over time 1 of 12 How do you find the rate of the reaction in a graph? the gradient of amount of product against time graph 2 of 12 If the one of the products is gas, how do you measure the rate of the reaction? on a balance - mass loss, gas in a syringe - volume over time 3 of 12 If one of the products is a solid, how do you measure the rate of the reaction? the cloudiness over time 4 of 12 name four factors that affect the rate of the reaction temperature, concentration.pressure, presence of catalyst, surface are 5 of 12 What is collision theory? chemical reaction - two particles must collide and have enough energy to react. 6 of 12 What is the activation energy? minimum energy required to react 7 of 12 increase temp increase rate - more likely to have activation energy, more kinetic energy so move faster and collide more frquently 8 of 12 increase concentration increases frequency of collision so rate is increased 9 of 12 decrease particle size more surface area avaialbe to react with so increases rat eof collisions and rate 10 of 12 add catalyst provides lower activation energy so more likely to have it so reacts more often and rate is increased. not used up 11 of 12 three examples of catalysts in industry and home enxymes in washign powders to digest stains. zieglernatta to make polymers with specific properties. platinum in fuel cells which generate electricity 12 of 12
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