Chemistry C1.6 GCSE Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryGCSEAQA Created by: ZoloCreated on: 31-05-13 17:57 What are vegetable oils hardened by to make solids which are suitable for spreading? Hydrogen 1 of 7 The hardening of vegetable oil is with a nickel catalyst at what temperature? 60*C 2 of 7 Oils cannot dissolve in water true or false? True 3 of 7 Emulsifiers stop water and what from separating into layers? Oil 4 of 7 What part of the emulsifier allows part of its molecule to dissolve in oil? Hydrophobic 5 of 7 What part of the emulsifier allows part of its molecule to dissolve in water? Hydrophilic 6 of 7 Why are emulsifiers bad for consumption? Fatty foods are more palatable and tempting 7 of 7
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