Chemistry C1.4 GCSE Quiz 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistryGCSEAQA Created by: ZoloCreated on: 31-05-13 13:02 Hydrocarbons contain only what? Hydrogen and carbon 1 of 10 Alkanes are saturated or unsaturated hydrocarbons? Saturated 2 of 10 We separate crude oils using what? Fractional distillation 3 of 10 When hydrocarbon fuels are burnt in plenty of air they are completely oxidised and produce what? Carbon dioxide and water 4 of 10 Sulfur impurities in fuels burn and form sulfur dioxide what can this cause in the atmosphere? Acid rain 5 of 10 If a hydrocarbon fuel were to be at high temperature what reacts with oxygen that causes breathing problems and potentially acid rain? Nitrogen 6 of 10 Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides dissolve in droplets of water in the air and react with oxygen to cause... Acid rain 7 of 10 The pollution produced by burning fuels may be reduced by treating the pollutants from... Combustion 8 of 10 What is the name of the fuel that can be made from vegetable oil? Biodiesel 9 of 10 Ethanol is a fuel ,are from sugar in plants this type of fuel is called... Biofuel 10 of 10
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