chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryEnergy of reactions/Exothermic and endothermic reactionsGCSEAQA Created by: Lewys ThomsonCreated on: 08-06-15 17:46 Can you say what happens to the hydrocarbons in crude oils? They are separated into fractions. 1 of 9 What substance would you find at the top of the fractional distillation tower? Gases 2 of 9 What would you find at the bottom of the distillation tower? Tar dfor roads and waxes. 3 of 9 What happens to the boiling point as you go further up the fractional distillation tower? It decreases as well as density. 4 of 9 What affects the type of fuel which a hydrocarbon is used for? The hydrocarbons properties. e.g boiling point. 5 of 9 Can you name 4 gases given off when a hydrocarbon is burned? Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen. 6 of 9 What causes acid rain? Sulfur dioxide. 7 of 9 Does an alkene always have a double bond? yes it does. 8 of 9 What is done to a hydrocarbon to produce a smaller more useful substance? It is cracked in the Naptha fraction. 9 of 9
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