Chemistry 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistrychemistryASEdexcel Created by: aggy98Created on: 29-12-14 16:34 What is the strongest type of intermolecular forces? hydrogen bonding 1 of 15 What type of intermolecular force exists between all atoms and molecules london 2 of 15 What do electron density maps show? where electrons are most likely to be 3 of 15 What type of bond can form in nitrogen dioxide dative covalant 4 of 15 Why would hydrogen fluoride have a higher melting temperature than hydrogen chloride hydrogen bonds 5 of 15 What method shows the structure of atoms/ elements? x-ray diffraction 6 of 15 what is the theory about electrons being as far apart as possible to minimise repulsion? eprt 7 of 15 What bond shape is methane tetrahedral 8 of 15 what bond angle is a tetrahedral shape? hundred and nine point five 9 of 15 Water has a bond angle of 104.5. what shape is it? v- shaped 10 of 15 diamond, graphite and nanotubes all have what structure giant covalent 11 of 15 Nanotubes are used as drug carriers because... dont dissolve 12 of 15 Nanotubes are used in tennis rackets are golf clubs because of their extreme .......... strength 13 of 15 If a molecule is symmetrical is it polar No 14 of 15 Aysmmetrical means a molecule is what..... polar 15 of 15
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