What state must an ionic ompound be in if it's to be used as an electrolyte?
Must be molten or dissolved in water.
1 of 11
In electrolysis, what is meant by the terms oxidation and reduction?
Oxidation is loss of electrons and redution is gain of electrons. (OILRIG)
2 of 11
At which electrode are metals deposited during electrolysis?
Negative electrode.
3 of 11
During the electrolysis of molten lead bromide, which gas is produced at the positive electrode?
4 of 11
An object requires electroplating. Which electrode should it be used as?
Negative electrode.
5 of 11
When sodium chloride solution is electrolysed a gas is produced at each electrode. What is the name of the gas produced at the negative electrode?
6 of 11
What is the name of the gas produced at the positive electrode?
7 of 11
Suggest one use for the gas produced at the positive eletrode.
Production of bleach/production of plastics.
8 of 11
Explain why sodium hydroxide is left in solution at the end of the reaction.
Sodium is more reactive than hydrogen, so sodium ions stay in solution. Hydroxide ions from water are also left behind. This means that sodium hydroxide is left in the solution.
9 of 11
The diagram shows a cell used to extract aluminium from aluminium oxide. Explain why the aluminium oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite.
To lower the temperature that electrolysis can take place at. This makes it cheaper.
10 of 11
The positive eletrode is made out of carbon. Explain why it will need to be replaced over time.
Oxygen is made at the positive electrode. The oxygen will react with the carbon in the electrode to make carbon dioxide. This will gradually wear the electrode away.
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
In electrolysis, what is meant by the terms oxidation and reduction?
Oxidation is loss of electrons and redution is gain of electrons. (OILRIG)
Card 3
At which electrode are metals deposited during electrolysis?
Card 4
During the electrolysis of molten lead bromide, which gas is produced at the positive electrode?
Card 5
An object requires electroplating. Which electrode should it be used as?
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