Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryReactionsASAQA Created by: jatyizationCreated on: 28-01-14 17:53 What Conditions are required in thermal cracking? high heat and high pressure 1 of 7 What conditions are required for catalytic cracking? Lower temperature and lower pressure using a zeolite catalyst (aluminium oxide) 2 of 7 What is an isomer? Same molecular formula but different structural formula 3 of 7 What is the problem with CO2? Causes global warming as it is a greenhouse gas 4 of 7 What is the problem with SO2? Causes acid rain 5 of 7 What are the products of incomplete combustion? CO or C along with H2O 6 of 7 What process separates a mixture of crude oils? Fractional Distillation. 7 of 7
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