CHEMISTRY 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryThe earth and its atmosphereGCSEEdexcel Created by: pika_kosCreated on: 17-01-14 16:15 Test for carbon dioxide? Limewater turns cloudy in the presence of carbon dioxide. 1 of 16 Why does limewater turn cloudy when in contact with carbon dioxide? White precipitate forms. 2 of 16 Limewater word equation? calcium oxide + water = calcium hydroxide. 3 of 16 Limewater chemical equation? CaO + H2O = Ca(OH)2 4 of 16 What uses are there for limestone to neutralize acids? Soils, coal-fired power stations. 5 of 16 Limewater and carbon dioxide chemical equation? Ca(OH)2 + CO2 = CaCO3 +H2O 6 of 16 How do indigestion tablets work? (2) Neutralize excess acid in the stomach. 7 of 16 How were the oceans formed? (2) The water vapour released from volcanoes condensed and it rained for millions of years forming the oceans. 8 of 16 How was carbon dioxide in the early atmosphere decreased? (2) Plants evolved and photosynthesized, oceans absorbed carbon dioxide. 9 of 16 How are humans releasing carbon dioxide? Burning fossil fuels, deforestation, livestock farming. 10 of 16 Why are resources for finding out the composition of the early atmosphere limited? No one was there at the time. 11 of 16 How can you find out the proportion of oxygen in the air? If you heat up copper in a tube and air over it using two syringes, you can use the markers on the syringes to tell how much oxygen has been used up. 12 of 16 How was the ozone layer created? In the early atmosphere oxygen created a layer of oxygen in the atmosphere. 13 of 16 What does the ozone layer do? It blocks harmful rays from the sun and enables more complex organisms to evolve. 14 of 16 What gases did the volcanoes release in the early atmosphere? Carbon dioxide, argon, water vapour, sulfur dioxide. 15 of 16 How can we find out what the gases were in the early atmosphere? Bubble of air trapped in Antarctic ice? 16 of 16
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