Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryGCSEWJEC Created by: georgiaCreated on: 29-05-13 11:56 sulphur dioxide + water = Acid rain 1 of 16 losing/ removal of oxygen Reduction 2 of 16 the gas produced during photosynthesis is Carbon dioxide 3 of 16 the chemicals we have at the start of a reaction are called reactants 4 of 16 the substances formed in a reaction are called products 5 of 16 An ..... is a substance with a pH of less than 7 Acid 6 of 16 An ..... is a substance with a pH greater than 7 Base 7 of 16 An ..... is a base that dissolves in water alkali 8 of 16 the reaction between acids and bases is called neautralisation 9 of 16 whenever an acid and an alkali neautralise each other we are left with a salt 10 of 16 most reactive metal potassium 11 of 16 least reactive metal gold 12 of 16 if you react a metal and a acid it always produces hydrogen 13 of 16 uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen photosynthesis 14 of 16 uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide respiration 15 of 16 uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide combustion 16 of 16
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