Chemistry-C2-Ionic Compounds 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAtoms and compoundsGCSEAQA Created by: tonisha_Created on: 15-04-23 19:09 All ionic compounds have what structure? giant ionic lattice 1 of 16 They have very strong _____ _______ of _______? electrostatic forces of attraction 2 of 16 Between what ions? oppositely charged ions 3 of 16 In all? directions 4 of 16 They also have very high? melting and boiling points 5 of 16 This is due to the strong? bonds between the ions 6 of 16 These need lots of? energy 7 of 16 To? overcome 8 of 16 When an ionic compound is solid what are the ions like? held in fixed positions 9 of 16 This means it cannot? conduct electricity 10 of 16 How can this be solved? By melting or dissolving in water 11 of 16 This makes the ions? free to move 12 of 16 And carry? electric charge 13 of 16 Formula of Ionic Compounds ------------------------------- What must we make sure the charges are on each ion? equal to 0 14 of 16 What is the formula of sodium chloride? sodium=1+ charge chlorine=1- charge NaCl 15 of 16 What is formula of sodium oxide? sodium=1+ charge oxygen=2- charge so 2 sodiums are needed Na2O 16 of 16
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