What can be used to detect and identify artificial colours?
Paper chromatography.
2 of 7
What are substances added to food to improve its qualities called?
Food additives.
3 of 7
What may food additives be made of?
Food additives may be natural products or synthetic chemicals.
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Why may additives in foods be checked and how?
Foods can be checked by chemical analysis to ensure only safe, permitted additives have been used, the methods used include paper chromatography and mass spectrometry.
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How is paper chromatography used to analyse the artificial colours in food?
A spot of colour is put onto paper and a solvent is allowed to move through the paper, the colours move different distances depending on their solubility.
6 of 7
What method can be used to analyse the colours in food?
Paper chromatography.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What can be used to detect and identify artificial colours?
Paper chromatography.
Card 3
What are substances added to food to improve its qualities called?
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