Chemistry-C10-Properties of Materials 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryOrganic and Green ChemistryGCSEAQA Created by: tonisha_Created on: 26-03-23 17:57 Ceramics include things like what (2)? glass clay ceramics 1 of 7 They are _______ of h_____ and e_____? insulators of heat and electricity 2 of 7 They dont _____ easily and are very ____? dont break easily and are very stiff 3 of 7 Polymers are also insulators of? heat and electricity 4 of 7 But are very? flexible 5 of 7 The properties of composites depend on? the reinforcement and matrix and binder used 6 of 7 Metals are ______ ,good _____ of _____ and ____, and ______? malleable good conductors of heat and electricity shiny 7 of 7
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