Chemistry-C10-Potable Water 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAnalysing substancesGCSEAQA Created by: tonisha_Created on: 25-01-23 09:47 Potable water is water that is what? safe to drink 1 of 38 Drinking water has low levels of what? dissolved salts and microbes 2 of 38 However potable water is not what? pure water 3 of 38 Since pure water contains only what? H2O molecules only 4 of 38 What is the main source of freshwater in the UK? rainwater 5 of 38 Rainwater can be collected in what three places? rivers reservoirs lakes 6 of 38 Or it could collect where? as groundwater 7 of 38 What are three uses of freshwater? agriculture industrial use domestic use 8 of 38 STAGE 1 ---------------- Firstly the water is? screened 9 of 38 Here things like_______ and _______ are ______ out? logs and twigs are filtered out 10 of 38 STAGE 2 ------------- Then the water enters a what? settlement tank 11 of 38 Here ______ and _______ that is _______ in the water will ______ to the bottom? sand and soil that is suspended in the water will sink to the bottom 12 of 38 STAGE 3 ----------------- What two things may then be added to the water? aluminium sulfate lime 13 of 38 This causes small bits to do what? clump together 14 of 38 This is called the? flocculate 15 of 38 STAGE 4 --------------------- The flocculate will then? clump together 16 of 38 And form what? sludge 17 of 38 This sludge is then? disposed of 18 of 38 STAGE 5 ---------------- The water is then passed through _______ and _____ beds? sand and gravel beds 19 of 38 STAGE 6 ----------------- The bacteria in the water is then ? sterilised 20 of 38 Using one of what three things? chlorine ozone uv light 21 of 38 STAGE 7 ----------------- What is then checked of the water? pH 22 of 38 What should the pH be? 7 23 of 38 STAGE 8 --------------- It is then stored? in a reservoir 24 of 38 However some countries may only have what? salty (sea) water 25 of 38 What two processes can be used to turn sea water into potable water? desalination (distillation) reverse osmosis 26 of 38 REVERSE OSMOSIS --------------------- Firstly, the sea water is placed with a ? partially permeable membrane 27 of 38 The salt particles are ____ ______ to ______ through the _______? Salt particles are too big to pass through the membrane 28 of 38 However the water? will pass through 29 of 38 Why is it called reverse osmosis? since normally in osmosis water moves from high to low conc but here it is moving from low to high 30 of 38 This process along with distillation will require a lot of? energy 31 of 38 HOW TO CALCULATE MASS OF DISSOLVED SALT IN A WATER SAMPLE ------------------------- Firstly weigh what? the evapourating basin 32 of 38 The pour? the solution into the basin 33 of 38 Then ______ the solution to ______ the water? heat solution to evaporate the water 34 of 38 This will leave behind? crystals of salt 35 of 38 Then weigh? the basin with the salt in 36 of 38 Then do what calculation? mass of evaporating basin- mass of salts 37 of 38 What is one way to test if water is pure? add it to anhydrous copper sulfate, if pure it will turn blue 38 of 38
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