Chemistry-C1-Transition Metals 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryMetals, metal ores and alloysGCSEAQA Created by: tonisha_Created on: 12-04-23 18:35 Where are the transition metals on the periodic table? in the centre 1 of 16 Group 1 Metals ------------------- The are _____ since they can be ____ with a ____? soft since they can be cut with a knife 2 of 16 They have low? melting points 3 of 16 They are low? density 4 of 16 They react ______? rapidly 5 of 16 With what three substances? oxygen water chlorine 6 of 16 When they react with a non metal they form what? 1+ ions 7 of 16 The transition metals are ______ and ______? hard and strong 8 of 16 They have high _____ _____ except which metal? melting points except mercury 9 of 16 They have high? density 10 of 16 They are _____ ____ than group 1 metals with oxygen chlorine and water? less reactive 11 of 16 They form more than? 1 ion 12 of 16 They form ______ compounds? coloured 13 of 16 For example? chromium chloride purple 14 of 16 They can be used as? catalysts 15 of 16 For example? iron catalyst in haber process 16 of 16
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