
The naming system for compounds
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Homologous series
A series of organic compounds that have ethe same functional group with successive members differing by CH2
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Aliphatic Hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in straight or branced chains
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Alicyclic Hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in a ring structure
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Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Contain at least one benzene ring
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Compounds have only single bonds
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Functional Group
A group of atoms that is responsible for the characteristic chemical rections of a compound
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General Formula
The simplest algebraic formula for a homologous series
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Displayed Formula
Shows the relative postions of atoms and the bonds between them
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Structural Formula
Provides the minimum detail for the arrangement of atoms in a molecule
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Skeletal Formula
A simplified structural formula drawn by removing hydrogen atoms from alkyl chains
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Organiic chemicals contain at least one carbon-carbon double covalent bond
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Compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon atoms
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Molecular Formula
Shows the number and type of the atoms of each element in a compound
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Strucutral Isomers
Compunds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula
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Organic compounds with the same molecular formula and structural formula but having different arrangements of atoms in space
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E/Z Isomerism
A type of stereoisomerism caused by the restricted rotation around the double bond- two different groups are attached to both carbon atoms of the c=c double bond
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Cis-trans Isomerism
A type of E/Z isomerism in which the two substitutent groups attached to both carbon atoms of the c=c bond are the same
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Reaction Mechansims
Models that show the movement of electron pairs during a reaction
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Curly Arrows
Model the flow of electron pairs during reaction mechanisms
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Species with one or more unpaired electrons
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Homolytic Fission
Happens when each bonding atom recieves one electron from the bonded pair, forming two radicals
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Heterolytic Fission
Happens when one bonding atom recieves both electrons from the bonding pair
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A homologous series of saturated hydrocarbons
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Complete Combustion
Oxidising a fuel in a plentiful supply of air
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Incomplete Combustion
Oxidising a fuel in a limited supply of air
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A homlogous series of unsaturated hydrocarbons
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An electron-pair acceptor
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Small molecules that are used to make polymers
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Macromolecules made from small repeating unit
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Repeating Unit
A specific arrangement of atoms that occurs in a structure over and over again
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Materials are affected by the action of microorganisms and environmental conditions,leading to decompostion
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A material made from a renewable source that is biodegradable
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A series of organic compounds that have ethe same functional group with successive members differing by CH2


Homologous series

Card 3


A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in straight or branced chains


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A hydrocarbon with carbon atoms joined together in a ring structure


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Contain at least one benzene ring


Preview of the back of card 5
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