
  • Created by: xxisobel
  • Created on: 02-03-17 10:14
What can limestone be used for?
Buildng materials, neutralise acidic soil, to make cement, mortar, concrete, glass
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What is the chemical name and formula for limestone?
Calcium Carbonate or CaCO3
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When limestone is heated what products are made?
Calcium Oxide and Carbon Dioxide
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Calcium Oxide reacts with water to produce what?
Calcium Hydroxide
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Name three other carbonates that decompose in the same way as CaCO3
Sodium Carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, Copper Carbonate
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Why do some people not agree with quarrying limestone?
Air pollution (dust), visual pollution, damage to habitats of animals, traffic due to lorries
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What is a disadvantage of using Limestone?
It is suseptable to damage via acid rain as it is reactive
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How is concrete made?
Cement, sand and aggregate
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Advantages of quarrying limestone
Valuable and cheap builiding material, neutralise acidic soil, provide local jobs
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What is the chemical name for Slaked Lime
Calcium Hydroxide
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Calcium Oxide is also known as
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How do you produce Calcium Oxide from Calcium Carbonate?
By heating it
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Metal carbonates break down when heated, what is this process called?
Thermal Decomposition
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What do we get when we dissolve Calcium Hydroxide in water?
Limewater / Calcium Hydroxide solution
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How do we test for Carbon Dioxide?
Bubble gas through limewater and if it turns cloudy there is CO2
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What is the limestone Cycle?
Limestone (heat), Quicklime (water), Slaked Lime (water), Lime Water (CO2)
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What is the Limestone Cycle with chemical formulas
CaCO3 - CaO - Ca(OH)2 - Ca(OH)2
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the chemical name and formula for limestone?


Calcium Carbonate or CaCO3

Card 3


When limestone is heated what products are made?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Calcium Oxide reacts with water to produce what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name three other carbonates that decompose in the same way as CaCO3


Preview of the front of card 5
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