Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryRate of reactionGCSEAll boards Created by: CharlotteMcCarthy1878Created on: 08-06-16 20:54 Rate of reaction =? Amount of reactants disappearing or amount of products appearing/ time 1 of 10 How do you know a reaction has taken place? Colour change,gas given off,temperature goes up,temperature goes down,precipitate is formed,pH changes 2 of 10 What happens to the rate of reaction as the temperature increases? It speeds up 3 of 10 Small size chips with a large SA makes the rate of reaction... Faster 4 of 10 Large size chips with a smaller SA makes the rate of reaction... Slower 5 of 10 The steeper the gradient at the start... The faster the rate (Large SA) 6 of 10 A catalyst The rate of reaction Speeds up 7 of 10 It is Used up in the reaction Never 8 of 10 What is an activation energy The minimum energy required to start a reaction 9 of 10 What 2 things must happen for a reaction to start? Particles must collide and they must have the activation energy 10 of 10
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